American comics vs Manga

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American comics vs Manga

Postby Kat » Mon Jan 05, 2004 11:44 pm

I know this forum is primarily for anime, but I'm sure those here not only watch anime but read manga too (in English or Japanese or both, for the more skillful). On another board I'm a part of (which consists of Christians who are working on comic projects) there have been a number of discussions on the popularity of manga as opposed to the apparent decline of American comics. Most of the folks who belong to the other board are into superhero comics, and therefore don't quite get the appeal of manga (we have one guy on there who just does not see it *at all* and is totally enamored of the superhero genre). But there are a few who see the reality of the popularity of manga, even if they don't totally understand its appeal.

That said, I have a few questions to throw out to you all here regarding American comics vs Manga. Before I toss 'em out, though, I'm going to be a stinker and ask that Archie comics not be included in your answer; not just because I work for them ;) but because Archie, being a humor comic, is in a different field altogether. It's on a par with Doraemon--in which the characters never change and the main goal of the comic is strictly to tell a funny story. So! That said, here are the questions:

1. Do you read any American comics?
2. If not, why not?
3. What do you think American comics lack that manga offer better?
4. Is there anything American comics do better than manga?
5. Considering that the average imported Japanese manga is around $5, and translated manga range from $10 to $15, do you feel you get better value for your money for manga as opposed to American comics?

There are no wrong answers, and you can answer any or all of the questions if you like.

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Postby cbwing0 » Tue Jan 06, 2004 5:45 am

1.I used to read American comics, but I have never read manga. That is probably due to the fact that I started watching anime after I had lost interest in comics.

2.Answered above

3.Couldn't say, because I haven't read any manga. I suppose that mangas have a greater variety in their stories (as opposed to american comics), without all of the goofy superheroes.

4.Sell cheaply. :lol:

5.Mangas may be of slightly higher value, but not enough to offset the price difference.
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Postby wiggins » Tue Jan 06, 2004 9:49 am

I was and still read American comics, except that I read manga as well too. The main difference to me is that both of them have good stories, but manga adds a greater deal of humanity, and real human emotions and reactions to the stories. American comics can sometimes seem distant in a way, though not distant as in far off, out of this world fiction since manga's the same way. It's more in the sense that they seem departed from how normal people would feel... sort of... it's kinda hard for me toexplain, but that's just the way I feel. Both do have good stories though.
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Postby Danyasaur » Tue Jan 06, 2004 9:55 am

#1. yes I read American comics
#2. read above ^_^"
#3. they're not as reapetetive (did I spell that right?)
#4. not really ^_^"
#5. yea plus they're not really short. . . . . . : D!!!!!!
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Postby Haibane Shadsie » Tue Jan 06, 2004 1:05 pm

1. Do you read any American comics?
I never was into the "superhero" comics growing up, but I read a lot of the funny-type comics, "Garfield", "Peanuts", "Calvin and Hobbes", and the like. I still enjoy those. I don't have much of an interest in American action comics... though I've read a little of "Johnny the Homicidal Maniac" and "Squee", (though I don't know if you can call those action, more like horror) and I want to get the Matrix-based comics. I'm not all too knowlegeable in the ways of American superhero comics, though.

2. If not, why not?

I was just never into them. No comic shops nearby when I was growing up, my older siblings were not into them, ect. My rabid manga love is even fairly recent.

3. What do you think American comics lack that manga offer better?

I think the whole approach in manga is diffrent. I think of manga in the same terms as I think of novels. I'm a reader and I love fiction novels. I find that, though manga has a lot of "cartoony" elements, faical exaggerations and such, that the stories are approached very seriously, with a lot of character development and worldbuilding. The genres also come in a great variety. I enjoy manga in sci-fi and fantasy, but I also enjoy historical drama in manga. The stories are not locked into "funny or superhero" genres like most people think of comics . I find in mangas the same kind of storytelling and approach to the storytelling that I find in novels and novel series', and that is why, I, as a novel-reader, gravitate toward manga rather than American comics.

4. Is there anything American comics do better than manga?

Hmmm... variety in style. Yes, diffrent manga artists draw in a vareity of styles, but there seems to be, in most, an overall "manga/anime" style... American comics seem to have more of a variety of visual styles - absurdly cartoonish, typical "action/superhero" style, to... even fine-art drawing/painting style. A lot of American comics are also done in color, and color can be very nice.

5. Considering that the average imported Japanese manga is around $5, and translated manga range from $10 to $15, do you feel you get better value for your money for manga as opposed to American comics?

It doesn't matter much to me. I like getting my mangas in graphic novel format, rather than short thin book format, anyway. To me, buying a manga is like buying a novel - and they run about the same price most of the time.
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Postby Michael » Tue Jan 06, 2004 1:07 pm

1. <Do you read any American comics?> Yeah
2. <If not, why not?> N/A
3. <What do you think American comics lack that manga offer better?> Japanese-ness
4. <Is there anything American comics do better than manga?> Action
5. <Considering that the average imported Japanese manga is around $5, and translated manga range from $10 to $15, do you feel you get better value for your money for manga as opposed to American comics?> No, american all the way
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I hate...

Postby Kenchii » Tue Jan 06, 2004 1:21 pm

1. No. I hate American comics. They are so perdictable. Marvel comics disgust me. Personaly I wasn't brought up with American comics. Not manga neither. But I did watch X-Men a lot. My friends like some. Personaly I hate DC/Marvel, American Comics. ><x

2. Repeitive plots, stories, & the art!! I hate the artwork so much! Everything looks werid and darkish-ish, I just can't get into a American comic.

3. American comics are very same-old, same. Where the artist's creativite is is smoothed with the idea, of super heroes, and what-not. I find that not appeling too me. Manga has a wwhhoollee diffrent stoy lines, and plot really diffrent then US comics!! The art is WAY better.. in my option.

4. Non, nothing.

5. YES!! ^^;;;;


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Postby LorentzForce » Tue Jan 06, 2004 1:33 pm

1. Do you read any American comics?
nope. maybe i'll play the game called XIII, but that's French.

i too am not into American comics, for various reasons that i have no idea what they are.
2. If not, why not?
probably because i just don't have time to read much of them, let alone manga.

3. What do you think American comics lack that manga offer better?
manga feels like it has more detail. but really, there isn't much difference. perhaps choice of style. NB Megatokyo.

4. Is there anything American comics do better than manga?
not that i know of. they are the same, just with different style. and you can't argue which style is better; it's like arguing 'which is better, chopsticks or forks'.

5. Considering that the average imported Japanese manga is around $5, and translated manga range from $10 to $15, do you feel you get better value for your money for manga as opposed to American comics?
not really, because they are pretty much the same in my area. that and Sydney doesn't have many places that sell manga. except a few. unless i move back to S. Korea, then the entire story will change over.
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Postby Technomancer » Tue Jan 06, 2004 1:46 pm

Sort of, I read some webcomics. There do seem to be a number of interesting print comics, although generally speaking I have better things to waste my money on. In other words, I'm not going to shell out what they're asking for- it's not like I'm short of reading material anyways. I don't really read manga either.

I will say that there does seem to be greater artistic range in North American comics than in manga, which tend toward a somewhat uniform style.
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Postby Minawa » Tue Jan 06, 2004 2:20 pm

first of all


4. Is there anything American comics do better than manga?
not that i know of. they are the same, just with different style. and you can't argue which style is better]

Sporks beat the both of um! Gainax said so in FLCL

as for the initial question

1. nope (other than american manga like megatokyo)

2. I just never liked the whole action super hero thing as much as I liked deep plots, psychological mumbo jumbo, character development and stuff like that

3. original ideas, Manga doesnt always have a preset "box" that they all try to fit everything into, and arnt afraid to try new or crazey things, were in American stories(in general) all tend to be afraid of that kind of thing. I guess its because American writers think that most people arnt as openminded in America.(which my or may not be true)

4. I'm not sure, I havent read many other than a few darkhourse comics when i was younger

5. as i said, I dont really know much about american comics, but I gladly pay up to $15 for Manga, and I usally get more than my moneys worth, so I would definatly say that manga is a good value
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Postby Bobtheduck » Tue Jan 06, 2004 2:35 pm

Tech, you haven't read that many manga... The styles are far from uniform in Japan... I mean, I can't stand most of the Manga styles, and most of them are not recognizable as manga to Americans and Canadians, so that's why usually the most familiar style gets released here (US and Canada)... That, and most of them that are different styles are genres that people couldn't accept as a "comic book" here in the US and in Canada.

1. No, except for in the Sunday paper
2. Because I don't like the unending nature of them... SO, Pokémon and DBZ are out as well. Also, because I don't like the overall American comic style (the hard blacks, the square chins, the supermodel women)
3. Variety of Genres and stories. And don't you DARE tell me that american comics come CLOSE to covering the genres that the Japanese do. US: Sci-fi, fantasy, superhero and a couple crime dramas or other sort of drama, but rarely... Japan: Sci-fi, Fantasy, Superhero, nostalgic drama, coming-of-age, psychothriller, horror, suspense, crime dramas, How-to guides (Full Manga, not just how-to guides that use some comics), Historical Fiction, Biographies, visual classics (like Suikoden) and many more... Variety is so much greater in Manga, and that variety has not been met even in Anime.
4. Better materials maybe... In their countries of origin, anyhow.
5. I don't have a clue how much the individual comics cost in the US, but TPB are about 10 dollars for both Manga and American comics, though some larger TPB are more expensive (Ex: Akira, Ghost in the Shell)... The cost isn't any different overall... So, yeah, I feel that it's a better value to get something I'd actually want to read. Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Lochaber Axe » Tue Jan 06, 2004 2:41 pm

Are you a stinkler enough that you won't let me use Sonic the Hedgehog comics as my answer? It is made by Archie Comics.

Well before I get to that, I prefer manga to American comics. I don't like the superhero genre because it is the same over and over. Manga however allows for more depth and character building, as a writer that is now important for me.

The above statement is reversed however when it comes to the Sonic the Hedgehog. Truly, I never really played the games, nor am I a big fan of the anime. It is just not me. However I utterly enjoy our interpretation of the characters and we have given them that depth that I must have in order to enjoy anything. To me the original Japanese interpretation does not have this.

That is the only American comic that I like.
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Postby Kat » Tue Jan 06, 2004 3:02 pm

Bobtheduck wrote:And don't you DARE tell me that american comics come CLOSE to covering the genres that the Japanese do.

I won't, because you're right. Japanese comics offer way more choices in subject matter than American comics do. I mean, when was the last time you saw a comic in America about golf? Or about a rabbit's (and I'm not talking Bugs Bunny, I'm talking a *real rabbit's*) adventures?

Anyway, that's why I'm asking the questions: because I want to hear your answers. Remember, there are no wrong answers.

Oh, and yeah, I'll make an exception for Sonic, because it's the only title Archie publishes that comes close to any kind of continuing adventure story. Besides, it's been my experience that Sonic enjoys a modest amount of popularity among anime/manga fans, whereas the other titles Archie publishes don't always have the same appeal.

If anyone else wants to join in the discussion, please do. Your answers have been very interesting and enlightening (and confirming some suspicions I already had about the appeal of manga as opposed to American comics).

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Postby Michael » Tue Jan 06, 2004 3:48 pm

<1. No. I hate American comics. They are so perdictable. Marvel comics disgust me. Personaly I wasn't brought up with American comics. Not manga neither. But I did watch X-Men a lot. My friends like some. Personaly I hate DC/Marvel, American Comics. ><x

2. Repeitive plots, stories, & the art!! I hate the artwork so much! Everything looks werid and darkish-ish, I just can't get into a American comic.

3. American comics are very same-old, same. Where the artist's creativite is is smoothed with the idea, of super heroes, and what-not. I find that not appeling too me. Manga has a wwhhoollee diffrent stoy lines, and plot really diffrent then US comics!! The art is WAY better.. in my option.>

You don't like it when people tell you anime's crap, so please don't say US comics are.
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Postby Solid Ronin » Tue Jan 06, 2004 4:21 pm

Kat wrote:
1. Do you read any American comics?
2. If not, why not?
3. What do you think American comics lack that manga offer better?
4. Is there anything American comics do better than manga?
5. Considering that the average imported Japanese manga is around $5, and translated manga range from $10 to $15, do you feel you get better value for your money for manga as opposed to American comics?

There are no wrong answers, and you can answer any or all of the questions if you like.


Good topic

1. I have around 160 (could be around 170 now) and more coming every month so yes

2. see answer one

3. and 4. I think both are good but American comics seems so much better to me. I love the characters more in American comics

5. no not at all .

and as it comes to art ther are some American artist that almost make me drool when I read the book they draw
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Postby Mave » Tue Jan 06, 2004 7:46 pm

Excellent topic. Here's my two cents.

1. Do you read any American comics?
Yes, I read/own Tomb Raider, Danger Girls, Kabuki: Scarlet and some random X-Men series. I also follow Meridian, Sojourn and Mystic. (Sojourn being my current fav).I only started doing this when I went to U.S to further my studies.

3. What do you think American comics lack that manga offer better?
1. AComics need more story genre/varieties, manga opens your eyes to more ideas and possibilities. Manga has more culture diversity too and that happens when you're not confined in the U.S culture all your life.
2. I relate to manga characters better, a character development or depth issue?.
3. Uniformity in art. I get REALLY annoyed when the artwork changes in the middle of a story. I prefer to associate one series with a certain style of art.
4. Ditch the superhero constumes. The spandex costumes play a big role in disconnecting me from the character immediately. But that's a personal opinion.

4. Is there anything American comics do better than manga?
The coloring is better, IMO. And some artworks and the action parts are very beautiful. It's also nice to see more 'realistic' facial details once in a while apart from the big eyes, pointy nose, small mouth look.

5. Considering that the average imported Japanese manga is around $5, and translated manga range from $10 to $15, do you feel you get better value for your money for manga as opposed to American comics?
No. Because I can get Chinese translated manga for $1 in my home country, I can't help but feel ripped off paying $10 to $15. (I had better invest in learning Chinese/Japanese hehe) The only exception I made was Blade of Immortal or when I get really desperate.. :lol:
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Postby TheMelodyMaker » Tue Jan 06, 2004 9:01 pm

I'm a little different... I don't care much for the action comics; somehow they don't do much for me. I'm strictly into the humor comics like Archie (sorry to break the rules a little there, Kat). But my very favorite has to be Peanuts--go Snoopy! ^_^
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Postby Fsiphskilm » Tue Jan 06, 2004 9:58 pm

Volt's reply in Red
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Postby Kenchii » Wed Jan 07, 2004 1:37 pm

Michael wrote:<1. No. I hate American comics. They are so perdictable. Marvel comics disgust me. Personaly I wasn't brought up with American comics. Not manga neither. But I did watch X-Men a lot. My friends like some. Personaly I hate DC/Marvel, American Comics. ><x

2. Repeitive plots, stories, & the art!! I hate the artwork so much! Everything looks werid and darkish-ish, I just can't get into a American comic.

3. American comics are very same-old, same. Where the artist's creativite is is smoothed with the idea, of super heroes, and what-not. I find that not appeling too me. Manga has a wwhhoollee diffrent stoy lines, and plot really diffrent then US comics!! The art is WAY better.. in my option.>

You don't like it when people tell you anime's crap, so please don't say US comics are.

Its my option, okay?


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Postby Michael » Wed Jan 07, 2004 3:27 pm

Yeah, mate, just do it in a more friendly way. OK?
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Postby Kat » Thu Jan 08, 2004 10:50 pm

Volt wrote:Oh no, do go on. There's a "Manga" forum specially made for manga

My mistake, I missed seing that, and I agree, my topic should have been there. My apologies. :red:

Volt wrote:we LOVE people who've visited japan! Tell all, tell all. *gets excited*

Really? Cuz we did get back to Japan this past October...and some really cool stuff happened while we were there...we went to another wedding (we host Japanese students and we've been to the weddings of two of our girls). I could tell you some really neat stuff if you're interested, and if any of the rest of you have been to Japan, we could compare notes...if you're really interested, and not spoofin' me, that is... :(

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Postby Fsiphskilm » Fri Jan 09, 2004 1:17 pm

*Grabs food, runs over to Kat , and sits on floor with wide eyes*
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Postby c-girl » Fri Jan 09, 2004 3:14 pm

Manga is the best! :thumb:
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Postby Shao Feng-Li » Fri Jan 09, 2004 3:24 pm

i never cared much for american comics ...even thoguh they're cheaper.... Exepct for calvin and hobbes heheh. what i cant stand is the art work.. its boring! AND WHO WANTS TO READ ABOUT GROWN MEN RUNNING AROUND IN SPANDEX?.... MAnga is just better...
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Postby Fsiphskilm » Fri Jan 09, 2004 6:31 pm

[quote="Kat"].if you're really intereste
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Postby Kat Walker » Sat Jan 10, 2004 9:12 pm

1. Do you read any American comics?

I don't read them (or maga for that matter) because I cannot afford most of them. ^^; The only one I remember buying is that Sonic the Hedgehog comic back in my old school video game days.

2. If not, why not?

Because I don't have the budget to indulge in this particular hobby, not because I necessarily dislike American comics.

3. What do you think American comics lack that manga offer better?

In America, cartoons and comics have always been primarily aimed at kids, and if they're aimed at an older audience it's usually filled with nothing but larged-boobied women since horomonal fanboys are the only other people that read them. In Japan, since comicking is a serious and respected art form, there's things that all people of all ages, genders, and tastes can choose from, not to mention there's a lot of competition out there to make more entertaining stories of higher quality.

4. Is there anything American comics do better than manga?

If anything, I'd have to say art. I really do prefer American comic art to anime...I can only take so many flat-faced, bug eyed, crazy-haired characters before I want more detailed, realistic art. And since anime is showing such a surge in popularity here, Im hoping it will inspire American comic makers to match their story quality. Unfortunately, a lot of them seem to think that just drawing in a pseudo-manga style will attract more readers. >_>;

5. Considering that the average imported Japanese manga is around $5, and translated manga range from $10 to $15, do you feel you get better value for your money for manga as opposed to American comics?

It depends of course. Since most manga issues are nearly book-length in size they tend to be more expensive, as opposed to American comics which are usually paperback monthly subscriptions no more than 15 or 20 pages. Plus, manga is made by independent creators, and American comics usually hire legions of artists and writers (especially if they're classic titles) they have a budget. Also, there's the fact to consider that anime/manga is becoming a huge fad in the states, so distributors want to make a profit. I bet if you picked up a manga 6 or 7 years ago, it'd be dirt cheap compared to today.
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Postby Staci » Sat Mar 13, 2004 4:33 pm

1. Do you read any American comics?

- I have not actually read any American Comics. As a child, I held no interest in Super-Heroes and preferred things with Unicorns/Dragons/etc.

2. If not, why not?

- Already answered. ~.~

3. What do you think American comics lack that manga offer better?

- Manga often have more character and plot driven aspects, they're a graphic novel. American comics are geared toward wham-bam sort of action.

4. Is there anything American comics do better than manga?

- Other than cater to the larger American populus who prefers loads of action than story, not really.

5. Considering that the average imported Japanese manga is around $5, and translated manga range from $10 to $15, do you feel you get better value for your money for manga as opposed to American comics?

- I do because Manga are longer than regular comic books, plus I feel the artwork is of a higher quality. Besides, it will be a great thing to see my future children learning to read some of the more tame Manga I own. *^^*
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Postby ShiroiHikari » Sat Mar 13, 2004 5:01 pm

1. Do you read any American comics?

Not regularly. I read a couple every once in a while.

2. If not, why not?

Well, for the most part I don't like 'em o_O

3. What do you think American comics lack that manga offer better?

Well, I like the manga art style a lot better, and manga often have great stories and characters.

4. Is there anything American comics do better than manga?

Well...uh...print quality? XD

5. Considering that the average imported Japanese manga is around $5, and translated manga range from $10 to $15, do you feel you get better value for your money for manga as opposed to American comics?

I think manga is worth the money in most cases, because of length and stuff. And 15 dollar manga are becoming a thing of the past o_O *hugs Shonen Jump* $7.95 baby!
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Postby Htom Sirveaux » Sat Mar 13, 2004 9:11 pm

1. Yes, but not as much as I used to (due for the most part to lack of money).
2. n/a
3. Better, more diverse stories. The American comics I read (Bone, Cerebus, Too Much Coffee Man, The Tick, etc.) are all 'indie' comics. This kind tends to have really good concepts or storylines. But outside of these, the major label ones are all pretty much the same.
4. They have more superheroes, but I'm not all that interested in superhero comics.
5. Dunno. I'll let you know when I start getting paid and have money to buy comics with.
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Postby righteous_slave » Mon Mar 15, 2004 9:51 am

I read my boxes of old US comics (mid-80s-mid90s), but not really any new stuff. When I flip through them at the magazine rack, it seems that they have all pushed too far into a "darker" direction. I picked up an issue of Wizard, and reading through the articles and summaries, it just looks like the US companies have run out of gas and are afraid to fill up thier tank for fear the new fuel will offend the engine too much. The companies have so much wrapped up in the characters (Superman, Batman, X-men) that they are afraid to change the status quo, which makes for boring reading. Also, fanboys are way too wrapped up in keeping continuity correct, making all kinds of headaches for the writers. Also I think the art has gone downhill over the last several years.

I haven't read much magna, but what I have I like. There seems to be more character development from the beginning, as opposed to "introduce character, if the readers like them, we'll create a personality for him." There is definatley more varieties in the genres of magna, mostly because US comics are beleived to be striclty for prepubecent boys and immature men, where as in Japan, everyone and their dog reads magna.

As far as value goes, magna definatly wins. $5 for big old Shonen Jump with several different stories or $3 for 32 page X-men which you have to buy next months issue and several morea fter that to finish the one storyline? $25 for collected stories like Crisis on Infinite Earths or 10-15 for digests collections of Trigun or One Piece, which are shorter hight wise, but i think there are more pages.

Endnote: my old boxes are full of assorted X-men titles, Star Wars, Spawn, some scattered Spiderman, the second run of Ghost Rider that I bought off a friend, and various others.
You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness. Rom. 6:18

God can do anything, anytime, anyway He wants to.......if He wants to paint me blue and hang me upside down nekkid from an apple tree, thats alright, as long as it's God doing it. Of course, if He comes through with a directive like that, I might have to ask for some I.D. Michael Wanke
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