mitsuki lover wrote:Second I doubt that getting over ten thousand people into a clapping frenzy can be termed in any real way "worshipping".
So what makes it any different from a secular concert where people do the same thing?
It's a pity that people need to waste there time at such events to "get close to Jesus and God" when ten minutes with the Bible can do it just as well and end up with a better outlook.
I advise people to avoid such nonsense.
Joshua's Live Journal wrote:
I rode downtown and PARALLEL parked Ackie in a spot and started out on foot, my backpack always at the ready in case I wanted to go to the River Center branch library. (I have been known to hit three libraries in one day.) I then made my way to Repentence Fountain: A BEAUTIFUL fountain between the River Center and the former State Capital Building which has been there since forever and a day. Young and old were sitting around the fountain talking and kids were playing in the water. Owing to the Izzy part in me, I asked a couple of ladies what was all the hub-bub about. As it turns out, there was a teenage "revival" in the River Center. A group of teens had rented the River Center to have a multideominational "sermon" to preach to the youth in the community. Sounds like a good idea. Thing is, they charge people to get in (How much I do not know) and there were protests that they were making money off this revival, thereby making it a sin. Sounds interesting.
I walked under the bridge, my goal clear. I wanted to hear both sides of this issue and draw my own conclusions. All I got from the protestors was a pamphlet given to me by a six year old who looked really uncomfortable in his polo shirt and shorts. It was kinda warm outside, and I know that the last thing I wanted to be wearing was a wool shirt tucked in. I climbed up the stairs on the other side of the bridge by the levee, when a young guy caught sight of the paper I was just given. He stopped me and asked had I read it yet. I said no. The guy looked to be about my age, or maybe a year older. He then spent about five minutes explaining to me about what was really going on. He explained that they saved over 1,000 people in there the past two days they were here and that they were just trying to spread the word of God around. I held up my hands and grinned. "I'm with you." I remember saying "I agree. I'm just an ameturer photographer."
I was loosing daylight. I was siding up with the teenagers on this one for the plain an simple fact that their cause was just, and anyone with half a braincell could see that they need someway to cover their charges. HOWEVER, that's not saying that there were other places they could have had the meeting. Bethany World Prayer Center is one of the biggest churches in Baton Rouge, it has a North, South and, unless I'm mistaken, an EAST campus as well. Their main sanctuary on the North campus can hold over two thousand, and the owner, Larry Stockstill, would have gladly let them use it.
Anyway, after my photo op, (Which yielded over thirty beautiful pictures at angles I always wanted to get), I decided I had better eat something before I wind up on the 5:00 news. I made my way to the Shaw Center, took some pictures of the new exibits they had set up, and made my way up to the sixth floor, and my nearby sushi shack Tsumami. I ordered the Rainbow Roll (raw salmon) sushi and a squid salad which I have grown a warped addicion to. I ate by the fountain, reading a book on the Titanic while watching the young teens walk past, laughing in groups, carrying bibles, eating..PIZZA?! Not that my sushi and squid wasn't delicious, but it got my mind wondering where these kids got this pizza from...and not just one slice either. Some had actual BOXES of pizza. So THAT's where the remainder of the money went...its a known fact that many christian groups order pizza after a sermon or revival. So this really was a nonprofit thing.
I finished my japanese takeout and made my way back to Ackie. I had left my cell phone in there, "Accidently" and chances are, mom called. I was wrong! NO calls! Just a wrong number. On my way back to Ackie, I noticed a group of kids gathered around the corner by the library on main street. I had been subconciously aware of the sound of cheering and horns tooting, but I didn't pay much attention. Until I almost got mowed down by a guy running down the sidewalk. As it turns out, it was the same group from the River Center, encouraging people to blow their horns for the cause. I laughed and ran back to Ackie, maneuvering around the block until I got back to their corner, all the while trying to find a song I could blast that would be..."Appropriate". All of my music is edited, so there's no danger of cursing, but still...better save than sorry. I played "Heaven" by Solo and drove to the block. Grinning from ear to ear, now caught up in the moment, I let Ackie do the talking as I blared my horn, tapping the button for chirping sounds, and letting loose with an almighty blast. The teenagers were psyched. I tooted all the way down the street.
" wrote:RustyClaymore 11:27 - Ah yes, Socks is the single raindrop responsible for the flood. XD
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