shooraijin wrote:Barron's publishes a great series of introductory language books, and their Japanese readers are no exception. I used one initially when I was getting my scanty Japanese off the ground.
Also, there's a great series of books published by Mangajin called "Basic Japanese Through Comics" which uses manga to teach Japanese culture and basic language and idiom. To get the most out of it, though, you really need to learn basic Japanese first. Once you do, though, it teaches you many common kanji, expressions, politeness levels and even cultural notes very painlessly, and also expands your manga awareness
Bobtheduck wrote:If you go all out for the pimsleur method, it'll cost you about 600 dollars, but if you plan on going to Japan for any extended period of time, it's probably worth it... You can learn about all you'll need to speak in about 90 days. (that's saying you take a day for each lesson) I'd set aside 2 hours a day, to listen to the CD's...
Make sure you go for the full sets and not the small sets... The full sets all run about 200 dollars... They have other languages as well, so it's worth checking out for any language you want to learn... Even if I don't use them for Japanese, I'll use them for Russian in a few years.
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