Ark wrote:Ah, but who decides the difference between protection and censorship. And last I knew, Govt. or State run places such as Librarys do not fall under the law of the Bible. Church and State girl. By your logic however, parts of the Bible could be a stumbling block to children. Rape, incest, murder, etc. Belive it or not, I understand the point of those who want to protect children. But at the same time, I just don't agree with removing things rather then putting them where they belong. Should we censor some classic art because it contains nudity?
"So perhaps we can agree that the optimum situation would be that the book be placed in a supervised/restricted area?"
I agree with that 100%.
Ark wrote:"So perhaps we can agree that the optimum situation would be that the book be placed in a supervised/restricted area?"
I agree with that 100%.
AnimeHeretic wrote:I do understand that sometimes a serious work needs to have a graphic portrayal of some material, but in those cases, access needs to be controlled to prevent minors from handling it. A place that does not have those safeguards in place ought not to have the material available.
Ark wrote:I belive Steeltemplar hit the nail on the head. Stricter rules of viewing beat censorship.
Ark wrote:I misread the article then. I was under the impression that the book was being pulled for good. While I see no issue with pulling it till they can put it in the right area, I was against yanking it for good. It would seem that you Steeltemplar and I are all saying the same thing now. I was never in support of leaving adult material out for kids to see. Thats why I would hope a lable and a section change would help the problem. I would hate to think of adult material being scattered through the Curious George section.
Ark wrote:I am waiting for Nate to post about how our Forfathers had the Bible used, yet were lousy Christians. *laughs*
kaemmerite wrote:Heh heh. Yeah they were. Well, considering one of them rewrote the Bible removing any and all references to Christ's divinity (the Jefferson Bible). I'm pretty sure the actual number of America's founders that were Christians was quite low (though I do not have a figure, nor would I make one up).
kaemmerite wrote:Heh heh. Yeah they were. Well, considering one of them rewrote the Bible removing any and all references to Christ's divinity (the Jefferson Bible). I'm pretty sure the actual number of America's founders that were Christians was quite low (though I do not have a figure, nor would I make one up).
ChristianRonin wrote:I ask one question:
Why do you guys think God is moving in countries where he ISN'T allowed than here in the U.S?
What are we allowing? How are we paying for it?
ChristianRonin wrote:Whether we want to admit it or not, Christians today aren't as strong as they used to be.
Already, Hollywood has made movies that Christians shouldn't be supporting, yet, we do.
AnimeHeretic wrote:And he did so. He felt it was inappropriate for people his age and brought it to the attention to his mother who he saw as a responsible adult,
Kaligraphic wrote:If you look in almost any history of European art, you will certainly find paintings of nudes, as many of the great painters produced them. Is this somehow more acceptable than such images produced by Japanese artists? Or perhaps it is that Japanese erotic art must be banned because Japan is more interesting to children than Europe? Surely you don't think that Europe would buy these pictures for somehow "purer" purposes?
teen4truth wrote:Oh and guys honestly NUDITY IS PORN. God did not make the human body to just be freely looked at, no matter if it is titled 'art' or 'science' or whatever.
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