Favorite/ Least Favorite Video Game and Why

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Favorite/ Least Favorite Video Game and Why

Postby Tommy » Sat Apr 15, 2006 8:51 am

My Favorite Video Game would have to be the highly overrated FF7. I just love the feeling of playing a later FF game. FF8 was so close to a tie but just didn`t make it.

My Least, don`t even got me started on "Cookies n` Cream".
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Postby TriezGamer » Sat Apr 15, 2006 9:29 am

Favorite: Final Fantasy VI
Least Favorite: Pong. I just don't get the appeal. :P
Most Disappointing: Fable
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Postby Stephen » Sat Apr 15, 2006 9:31 am

You sure do like these fav threads don't you Tom. *spots about 5 of them scattered across the site.*

Fav game? Easy.

Metal Gear Solid 3 Subsistence. The game was a 11 out of 10 in every way. It was game of the year for a reason. (Snake Eater was anyway)

Least fav? I don't really have a least fav. If I don't like somthing...I don't buy it.
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Postby Link Antilles » Sat Apr 15, 2006 10:02 am

Recent favorite game: Elder Scrolls VI: Oblivion (X360) - Incredible game... improved on Morrowind in so many ways. This game is just massive…even after 55 hours of playing, there is still a ton of things to do.

Recent least favorite game: The Outfit (X360) - It's a game I really wanted to like, but just couldn't. You can see the potential for the game if Relic spent more time on it, but as it is... it's just a repetitive boring strategic mess. It can have it's moments, but those are few and far between the repetitive levels. Not to mention, the shooting just wasn't fun and the graphics are majorly under-whelming.
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Postby Allegro » Sat Apr 15, 2006 10:17 am

Favorite Game - System Shock 2 (PC): The best horror atmosphere I've experienced in a PC FPS game. Half Life 2 came close, but I couldn't deny SS2's underrated appeal, especially when it came to the RPG functionality the player is given throughout the game. The villainess, SHODAN, whose AI-malfunctioning menace is easily recognizable as the best part of the game.

Least Favorite Game - I think I would've remembered the name of a really bad game if I been playing it for more than an hour. ;)

But most disappointing (yet still playable) would go to Deus Ex: Invisible War (PC). While it had the potential, the sequel didn't live up to the original in so many ways.
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Postby jon_jinn » Sat Apr 15, 2006 11:06 am

Favorite Game: Super Smash Bros Melee - i know that the graphics aren't way up there with some of the other games but this is my favorite game cause it's addictive and it's a really fun multiplayer game. there's a lot you can always be improving on in this game and it's like an automatic classic for GC.

Least favorite: I don't have one really. All of the games i buy i read a lot of reviews on to make sure i'm getting my money's worth and a good, solid game.
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Postby Mega.EXE » Sat Apr 15, 2006 11:25 am

favorite game: (PC)doukutsu monogatari(cave story) its graphics are really bad but its really fun, oh and its a game made by a japanese game designer.

least favorite game: animal crossing it was to easy and short and got boring to quickly.
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Sat Apr 15, 2006 11:36 am

Fa~avorite...Chrono Cross! I just thought that it was such a beautifully done game; the music is some of the best in games out there, the characters (at least, the main ones) are all so great (Kid remains my favorite video game character of all time. XD), I adored the battle system, the graphics were definitely good for its time, and the storyline totally caught me off guard, which I liked. I thought it was very cool how they took a seemingly small plot from Chrono Trigger and made a game revolving around this character...Though you don't know it until later on. ;) I just love every aspect of the game, haha! *not to mention, Serge = Bishi. Definitely*


The next favorite would definitely have to go to Final Fantasy VIII. Ahgh. LOVE this game. XD It was the first Final Fantasy that I played, and I absolutely fell in love with every aspect of this game (yes, even the Junction system. Once you catch on, it's super easy, and very helpful! :D). I loved all of the characters (except Seifer...Ooooh, I hate 'im! XD), the storyline was very engaging (and love story = :thumb: in my book), the battles were fun (I loved the trigger feature with Squall's gunblade...Fun times!!), and the ending was perfect. The only thing I didn't like was the drawing system...It took SUCH a long time to draw 100 of all the necessities...XD But the good certainly outweighs the bad for me. *oh, and Squall = Bishi, too. :lol: *

Least favorite..? Ooo, Star Ocean 3. I couldn't even bring myself to complete that game, and I was sad that I spent 50$ to get the "director's cut" version, but could only get 11$ back for the trade-in. The game started out ok, I guess, but it just got too weird for my tastes, not to mention that real-time battle in RPG's is just not my thing. XD I didn't feel like there were any great characters, either. I couldn't look at any of them and say, "Man, so and so is a great character!" Also, while I love to look at pretty FMV graphics, I don't like the entire game to be one big FMV. As I recall, there would be a 30 minute FMV followed by about 30 minutes of game time. It got to the point where I didn't really want to play through the actual game part of the series. I almost kept it long enough to hear the voices of Richard Hayworth and Steven Blum, but after some thought, even that didn't keep me from trading it in. Gragh, that game was a waste. *wants her 50$ back* :shady:
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Postby Tommy » Sat Apr 15, 2006 11:45 am

I love Star Ocean III and Chrono Cross to death, but hey RD, it`s your call.

I wouldn`t say a game is less enjoyable because of voice effects but that`s just me.
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Sat Apr 15, 2006 11:51 am

Tom Dincht wrote:I wouldn`t say a game is less enjoyable because of voice effects but that`s just me.

Oh, no, I wasn't saying the voices were bad. I said I almost kept it to hear the voices of two of my favorite VA's. XD
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Postby Sai » Sat Apr 15, 2006 4:27 pm

Fav= Zelda OOT, DK 64...

Least fav= I-ninja (I was just really disappointed)
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Postby Debitt » Sat Apr 15, 2006 4:42 pm

Favorites: FF9, Star Ocean 2 and 3

Least: Er, I dunno. Grandia Xtreme was a serious disappointment.

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Postby Tommy » Sat Apr 15, 2006 5:00 pm

Well, Grandia Xtreme was always meant to be a dungeon-crawling game.
I personally love it.

(Kae will come here and bash Unlimited SaGa, I know it).

With the exeption of Mario RPGs, Unlimited SaGa is my least favorite RPG.

BUT, I have to say Romancing SaGa ranks on my Top 10.
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Postby GrubbTheFragger » Sat Apr 15, 2006 5:24 pm

fav: God of war, Devil may cry 3, ninja gaiden, and most fps's
also mario Rpg and the Final fantasies

least: celebrity death match, flatout and most other racing games
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Postby Tarnish » Sat Apr 15, 2006 5:57 pm

Favorite: Final Fanasy IX/Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

Why: I don't usually like Japanese RPGs, but I really enjoyed FF9. Though, it probably had something to do with the fact that it was one of the VERY few games I had played where no one had ruined the ending for me...

And KOTOR, it was reasonably clean, had a good battle system, the Light/Dark choice thing was fun, and added a ton of replay value to the game. The graphics left something to be desired, but the good heavily outweighed the bad.

Least Favorite: Dark Cloud 2

Why: It started out very addicting, and had a decent plot, but as the game went on, everything sorta fell apart. The plot turned into cliche-ridden mess, and the gameplay got insanely repetitive.
On the plus side, the graphics were pretty...
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Postby Tommy » Sun Apr 16, 2006 5:29 am

Dark Cloud 2....ah what a game. That would`ve been SUCH A GOOD GAME if they kept the Georama system from the first one.

Can you explain HOW the story falls apart? It gets a millinon times better at the end.

BTW, have you played the first one Orenji?
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Sun Apr 16, 2006 9:28 am

TriezGamer wrote:Favorite: Final Fantasy VI
Least Favorite: Pong. I just don't get the appeal. :P
Most Disappointing: Fable

Tres gamer, you are my new friend

My favorite too, is FFVI
My least is: That is a toughie. I didn't really like Lunar 2, or Baulder's Gate. They were meh, okay.
Mega wrote:favorite game: (PC)doukutsu monogatari(cave story) its graphics are really bad but its really fun, oh and its a game made by a japanese game designer.

I LOVE Dokutsu Monogatari!
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Postby Tarnish » Sun Apr 16, 2006 11:19 am

Can you explain HOW the story falls apart? It gets a millinon times better at the end.

BTW, have you played the first one Orenji?

1. It started out well enough, I thought the time-travelling aspect was pretty interesting. But...it just turned into the typical "unlikely-hero-saves-universe" crap. I got to the end boss, and lost interest. I had been there and done that...and had seen it done a million times better.

2. I rented that a few years ago. And I did enjoy it slightly more than the sequel, though only slightly.
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Postby Tommy » Sun Apr 16, 2006 11:23 am

Dark Cloud 1 is ALOT MORE addicting.

I remember playing that game for hours in the summer, perfecting my towns. Classic.
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Postby Joshua Christopher » Sun Apr 16, 2006 12:47 pm

Favourite: Sonic Adventure or NiGHTS. I'm a SEGA fanboy, yup. Now, neither of these two games are by any means the best I've ever played, but darn it, I've never had more fun with any other two games.

Least: I could just name off a really bad game, but instead I'll throw in a game that, on its technical merits, is good, but I can't stand. And that game would be FFX.
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Postby Lynx » Sun Apr 16, 2006 8:43 pm

favorite- thats tough, either final fantasy X or chrono cross...

least favorite (but most fun to laugh at)- big rigs
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Postby Tommy » Mon Apr 17, 2006 5:56 am

Joshua Christopher wrote:Least: I could just name off a really bad game, but instead I'll throw in a game that, on its technical merits, is good, but I can't stand. And that game would be FFX.


Try FFX-2 and then ocme back and tell us that.

No one mentioned Booger Man?
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Postby MPX42 » Fri Apr 21, 2006 3:16 pm

Favortie--Super Smash Bros. Melee

Least Favorite--Mario Party 6
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Postby Tommy » Sat Apr 22, 2006 10:40 am

Many people ignore the last two words of the title in these threads.

MPX42, what were the flaws in Mario Party 6 that had it differ from the rest?

EDIT: Sorry got you guys mixed up. I remember when I didn`t have an avatar.
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Postby MPX42 » Sat Apr 22, 2006 2:47 pm

Tom Dincht wrote:Many people ignore the last two words of the title in these threads.

Jon Jinn, what were the flaws in Mario Party 6 that had it differ from the rest?
What do you mean by Jon Jinn?

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Anyway,Mario Party 6 was pretty much the same as the past Mario Partys,with some new minigames.However,if Mario Party 8 gets on Revolution,I think I'll buy it.
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Postby Azier the Swordsman » Sun Apr 23, 2006 10:39 am

Mine is a tie between Ocarina of Time and Chrono Trigger. Both were such (literally) life changing games for me I could never consider one as over the other. They totally made me into the gamer I am today. ;)

Least Favorite: Final Fantasy XI. For breaking the pattern and leaving a gap in my collection.
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Postby Tommy » Sun Apr 23, 2006 1:42 pm

MPX42 wrote:What do you mean by Jon Jinn?

There is a user on this site named Jon Jinn whom I often get mixed up with you.

Your avatar is the same. :sweat:
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Postby Bobtheduck » Sun Apr 23, 2006 7:08 pm

Fave - Silent Hill 2 because it's so incredibly powerfull in it's dealing with important topics and MGS3 because it's a very moving story of Hero becomes villain (the way Lucas WISHES he could have done... The student has surpassed his master (kojima and Lucas))

I can't think of a game I just really hate more than any other... I hate nihilism games like GTA and Postal and manhunt... Those are the games I hate the most...
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Postby SVD997 » Sun Apr 23, 2006 9:48 pm

Current Fave: Guitar Hero- I love the unique playing style and its very addicting.
All-Time Faves: Crusader of Centy, Landstalker, Mario Tennis, Halo 2... NO FAIR!!! Making me choose just one. :-) I have alot of games that I enjoy playing over and over.

Least Faves: Stake: Fortune Fighter- Don't ask, just don't ask...
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Postby MPX42 » Mon Apr 24, 2006 7:09 am

Tom Dincht wrote:There is a user on this site named Jon Jinn whom I often get mixed up with you.

Your avatar is the same. :sweat:
I don't even use a avatar now...but it won't be long till I get one up.
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