worst injury?

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Postby Slater » Sun Apr 16, 2006 11:36 pm

Worst: running into my friend's face while he was running in my direction... I'd estimate a combine speed of around 24 mph... so yeah, imagine running into a wall at 24 mph with your chin. It didn't hurt so bad... I was able to get up right away and started helping my friend (who got a concussion), unaware of how all the skin on my chin was annihilated. It was pretty kewl, but I needed 8 stiches.

most painful had to be the time I fell off a scooter and landed on top of it, though my left hand was trapped underneith it. I slid a few feet like that and grated the flesh off of my left ring finger. Very painful, very bloody. Thankfully, it fully healed on its own... can't even tell it happened. But I've never ridden a scooter since.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Sun Apr 16, 2006 11:41 pm

Warrior4Christ wrote:These biking incidents remind me of one occasion where my younger brother somehow rode into the back of a PARKED van and chipped his tooth. That was 20 seconds after leaving the house.

Your brother and I would make the best friends :lol:

One time, my mom... not thinking. Thought to herself "I wonder if this stable gun works..."

So she tested it on her palm...

Another time my dad got attacked by our OWN two dogs... he was sent to the ER.

He also accidentally shot a nail through his finger. Directly through the finger, and exited out on the other side. Being the weirdo he is :lol: he didn't get a tetanus shot till my mom and I forced him too.
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Postby Slater » Mon Apr 17, 2006 2:52 am

dude, your family and guns of any type seems like a bad combo, lol

But where do I buy this magical stable gun?
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Postby KBMaster » Mon Apr 17, 2006 5:23 am

Worst injury... I... cut my thumb open with a scalpel.... a dull scalpel. Didn't even hurt! I felt it nick my skin and I look down and oh hey look at the blood! I put a bandaid on it and Mom took the scalpel away. Sad thing is, I was trying to cut up something poisonous. Who knew?
Then it would be when I was sitting against my dresser and my cat decided to jump down on me with his claws out. Got my shoulder, my arm, and my wrist.
And THEN there's where he jumped UP on me to get to the window! TWICE! I still have marks!
Oh, OH, and then there was when the sparks from a firecracker got my foot and I ran inside the house and wouldn't come out. It really hurt! I still have the scar!
Man, some of you people have done some pretty silly things. Jumping from the roof to the van?! ... Come to think of it, that sounds fun. But, still, dumb, lol.
I haven't had any real injuries. I've been to hospital once with pnuemonia but that's it.
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Postby Kenshin17 » Mon Apr 17, 2006 6:22 am


Well I have a good one (well I wouldn't call it good probobly)

When I was about 13 I was trying to ride my bike with no hands (bad idea btw) and I fell of the side. One does not have a joint in between ones knee and hip. But I did after that fall. I broke my femur into 8 peices (that the doctors could count) I was stuck in traction for 8 hours underwent a three hour surgery so they could hammer a metal rod through the peices and spent five days in the hostpital. Two months later I was able to ditch the crutches and about 6 months (give or take) later I had to have surgery to get the screws (three total) out. To this day my right leg is about an inch or so shorter then my left I believe (been a while since it was measured)

It was not a fun deal. I can still remember my leg rolling around where it should have been straight and rigid.

On a side note I can't even begin to count how many times I have stubbed my toes.
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Postby GrubbTheFragger » Mon Apr 17, 2006 9:00 am

broke my wrist in 2 places.
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Postby Shinja » Mon Apr 17, 2006 11:10 am

probably when i broke my right arm, i tried to lift it an my hand just spun dangling by my arm, it freaked me out
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Postby FarmGirl » Mon Apr 17, 2006 12:08 pm

I was seven at the time, and had found a cat outside. I was petting it, and it seemed quite tame. The sun started to set, so I got up to go inside.
That little furball grabbed onto my arm with it's teeth and claws and would not let go. I somehow got the bugger off of me and ran inside, bleeding freely.
When Mum found it... o.o;
We won't go into that injury.
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Postby White Raven » Mon Apr 17, 2006 1:04 pm

Well I can’t really tell you about my worst injury. Because it was in a private area.
I had to go to the emergency room for that one.

But the one I can tell you about happened when I was about 10 years old.

I was on my roller-blades, and there was this street that was on a hill.

Well being incredibly stupid, I let this girl I knew (Sonya) talk me into going down the hill, on my roller-blades.
Which I had done many times.

But this time, Sonya wanted to see if I could hold on to her bike, and go down with her.

All was well and good, until Sonya braked, (she said she thought she seen a car)

Well of course I went flying, tumbling, and skidding down the hill.

My forearm was hamburger from the middle to the wrist.

Luckily I had elbow and knee pads on. Because two of them were ripped open.

I don’t have much of a scar, but hair doesn’t grow in that place, on my arm anymore.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Mon Apr 17, 2006 1:07 pm

White Raven wrote:but hair doesn’t grow in that place, on my arm anymore.

Maybe I should try the same thing to my face XD
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Postby jon0 » Mon Apr 17, 2006 1:24 pm

we were out jumping on the trampoline at my cousins. while I was laying on the trampoline one of my cousins came down on my shoulder. I don't know if any one else could, but I heard my shoulder crack. The worse part was that my dad only thought that I had bruised my muscle. I only got about 3 hours of sleep that night. Come find out the next morning when we got X-rays I had fractured my shoulder.
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Mon Apr 17, 2006 2:25 pm

Mine was definitely back when I was like, 9 or 10. I was skating on my street, and this kid was riding his bike behind me...I turned around to go back to my house, and he ran straight into me. XD I got a huge gash in my knee, and had to go to the emergency room. It was nothing serious, I just had to get some of those butterfly band-aid things to pull it back together. It was kind of a fun night, though, once all the hospital stuff was done. XD My family and I went out to eat, and I got a new stuffed animal out of the whole deal. :lol: Fun times, I say.
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Postby soul alive » Mon Apr 17, 2006 2:28 pm

*cringes at all the gorey stories*

I am fondly known among my friends as the uber-klutz. I'm always falling up stairs, tripping over invisible things on the floor, etc. And growing up on a ranch didn't help, I can't count the times I've been bucked off horses, stepped in cactus, etc. Luckily, I've never broken a bone (noticably, at least).

Some of my worst incidents:

When I was 3 or 4 I was playing with some neighbor girls who were a year or two older than myself. One girl had the bright idea to pick me up... only from below the knees. I tipped forward and landed heavily face first on the edge of a sidewalk. I still have scars on my chin from my teeth puncturing most of the way through my lip.

When I was ten or so I was dancing the 'Cotton-Eye Joe' and forgot to go backward when I was supposed to, and slammed into the back of the head of the person in front of me. My nose was purple for weeks, possibly broken, but never went to the hospital to see. (the dance is a sort of fast, simple line dance, if you don't know)

When I was 17 or so, at county fair, my 4-H steer got spooked while I was leading him to the wash rack and he jumped straight in the air, landing on my foot, then jumping again over the top of me and running a good 5 yards before stopping. Brilliantly, I was wearing sandals while handling a 3/4 ton animal (... gimme a break, I was going to get wet), and this was at about 5 in the morning. My parents refused to take me to the hospital, so I had to show my steer with a bum-foot. I did sit around during my free-time with it soaking in an empty feed bucket full of water. It was a lovely shade of purple. It seemed to heal okay, but my foot is a little misshapen, and you can still see a round shape where the skin is redder than normal. (gee, whiz, that makes me sound like such a hick, lol) (and since I can see the questions starting, yes, if you show cattle, you bathe and groom them for the show, lol).

And last summer, I burned my left hand, specifically thumb, three times in as many weeks with scalding hot liquids. It's a long story, though, so I won't get into it.


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Postby Sai » Mon Apr 17, 2006 2:33 pm

I was climbing the oak tree in our back yard with a friend and she decided to jump off while I wasnt holding on. The limb sort of flung upwards because of less weight and I went flying. I broke the growth plate in my right wrist. Meh.
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Postby Mave » Mon Apr 17, 2006 4:31 pm

I've had my share of injuries but I'd rather report the ones that involve some good amount of blood.

- Collided into another cyclist when I was 4-6 years old and earned a few stitches at my lower lip. All I could remember after the collision was lying on the ground, and wondering what liquid was filling up in my mouth and why my mother was freaking out.

- Woke up one night crying with one of my eyes bleeding. Freaked my mum out royally, who rushed me to the hospital and later, learnt that it was a stye on the inside of my eye, which swelled and eventually burst.

My poor mum.
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Postby shadowblade » Tue Apr 18, 2006 12:02 pm

Hmm, the worst thing that happened to me was that my finger got smashed by a couple of weights in a gym. I was really little and decided to put my fingers where I shouldn't have. :sweat: Anyways, my finger split open, but because I didn't let the doctors stitch it up, it looks like I have a growth on the top of my finger, when that's really the inside of it. Well, thankfully that's not my writing hand. :lol:

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Postby Mega.EXE » Tue Apr 25, 2006 11:01 am

my family and i went to a store and i leaned up against a board and it wasnt secured and it sliced a chunk out of my ankle and you could like see these white lines and i still have the scar from l;ike 7-8 years ago meh
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Postby skyblue » Tue Apr 25, 2006 3:18 pm

I ran out the front door of my house one morning during winter. I slipped on a patch of ice and landed face-first on concrete and sharp, jagged rocks. I broke my nose and I was bleeding heavily on my forehead.
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Postby CreatureArt » Tue Apr 25, 2006 4:20 pm

I was swimming underwater in a pool when my brother jumped up from the deck (same height as being on the second storey of a house) and landed on me as I was coming up for air.

I had braces at the time and the impact managed to dislodge most of them, a few of which were pressed into my gum painfully. It didn't hurt as much as it could have, but I had a nasty nose bleed and concussion and when I surfaced the blood was pooling on the top of the water and my eyes were rolled back and flickering.

I still laugh remembering it because my brother told me later he almost had a heart attack because it looked like I was bleeding profusely from my mouth and he thought he might have killed me.
But I praise God that a few minutes before the accident happened my mother and a friend had a feeling to pray for my safety and did. I was told by the doctor at the Accident and Emergency clinic that had my neck been tilted a little more up or down I would have broken my neck!

I tend to have a lot of small accidents, but don't tend to have major ones.
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Postby Scer » Tue Apr 25, 2006 5:27 pm

The only time I ever broke anything was when I broke my arm snowboarding. Though you really couldn't call it snowboarding. I had just gotten on a snowboard for the first time when I decided to fall over and break my arm. I never got around to snowboarding again.

A day or two later I was staying home from school when I somehow got a huge splinter jammed 1/2" under my toenail. It took me around two minutes to notice because I was on some rather strong pain medication for the arm.
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Postby chimera189 » Tue Apr 25, 2006 10:14 pm

when I was 8 the childrens minister broke my nose (not really his fault, he tripped over me)

three years ago I was in a car accedent, had a staple in my head, 1 stitch in a finger, minor concussion.... and a dismantled car

two years ago I dropped a stage on my foot, nothing broken, but I coulden't walk on it for something more than a week
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Postby mechana2015 » Fri Apr 28, 2006 12:52 am

broken foot. Broke two bones on different levels of my foot. Ow.

I also got huge abrasions in a bike crash on my plam elbow and opposite knee...

I crashed skiing and gave myself a sprained neck and lower back as well as a concussion.

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Postby CreatureArt » Sat Apr 29, 2006 2:25 am

XxpneumaxX wrote: I mean, if my handle bar was a sword I'd probably be dead.
*empathises and shudders at the thought*

Mechana2015 wrote:broken foot. Broke two bones on different levels of my foot. Ow.
Owch! My brother managed to jump off a cliff into the sea and land in shallow water. He only dislocated the bones in his foot and was in a lot of pain so I hate to think what a break like that would be like.
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