mitsuki lover wrote:When I had braces the two worst parts were:1)when they took the mold for your teeth and struck that nasty tasting goop into your mouth and 2)when you had to have them rewired.I also hated to go out in public with them on.Ok,I think most kids hated to go out with braces on.And then wearing them all night...
Tenshi no Ai wrote:You serious?! Worst part for MANY I'd say are those horrible, horrible spacers and the first week+ of having your braces on (because your, or at least my teeth couldn't even connect thus I could only bite down and eat with about 4 teeth that actually touched @_@)
Radical Dreamer wrote:I didn't really mind the spacers much (high tolerance for pain, hehe), but I did HATE getting the chain rubber bands on my teeth. OW. Those things HURT. XD Also, getting every type of food stuck in your braces is never fun. XD
Tenshi no Ai wrote:Not ready to getting the chains yet....
About the food stuck in teeth, that's why toothpicks are my new best friends^^ Haven't even attempted to use floss (does it even work alright?)
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