Jon Clement wrote:Augh... So weak...
Jon Clement wrote:I'm sorry if I seem rude or unkind... But I just feel so messed up... I feel as though I'll NEVER have a woman or children to love... No offence or anything but... I just don't think you can help... I'm about ready to pass out... However, it isn't just a single entity... There are other issues troubling me as well...
Osaka wrote: However, what we don't see is the pain which very often drives people to complete misery. That's the thing about romance. It give you momentary highs, and momentary lows so low that I know people who've actually become physically sick because of them. There's the thing about God's love that make that love so much more incredible. He doesn't break you the way that romance, even successful romance, will break you.
Mr. SmartyPants wrote:Can I just inform you about something? There are so many things on this life which we do not want to part with. But nothing on this earth is as sastisfying as God's love for us. You have no idea what you want now. I don't believe anybody really does. We do NOT know what heaven is like. Yes I too, wish to continue a marriage in heaven. But I do also know, a DROP of God's love for us will fullfill me more than any marriage can.
If you understand that God must be #1, and your wife will be #2, you must realize that God isn't just 1 step higher than your wife. He is infinate steps higher. There is just nothing else in between.
Jon Clement wrote:Well, I don't really beleive that. I believe that love is love is infinite already. Think of it this way, do you love your wife more, or your children more? You can't answer because you love them both...
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