Tom Dincht wrote:As you see, RD, I edited my post and realized my mistakes.
I saw your message after.
The Mormon one.
Radical Dreamer wrote:No kids in heaven, no, but there's plenty of romance in the Bible. Go read Song of Solomon, it's full of it. As far as marriage is concerned, Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians that, while remaining single is certainly a good thing, getting married is also good, and is especially good to keep one from sexually sinning outside of marriage. Also, God tells us to be fruitful and multiply. We couldn't do that (and be right in God's word) without being married. God's Word has plenty to say on the subject of marriage, you've just got to look in the right places.
Mr. SmartyPants wrote:If you're in heaven. Youre in FRONT of God. And that is worth more than any other human relationship. God isn't just "a little" better than being married or having a family. He is INFINATELY better.
Jon Clement wrote:Well, I still believe in it... I highly doubt God will destroy it just like that... Like I said, I havn't seen any scripture that says Romance doesn't exist in heaven...
Jon Clement wrote:Well, I still believe in it... I highly doubt God will destroy it just like that... Like I said, I havn't seen any scripture that says Romance doesn't exist in heaven...
Warrior 4 Jesus wrote:I can see where your coming from Jon. I have often thought to myself, "What will happen if Jesus returns before I have a girlfriend, get married and have kids?" But then I remember that in the scheme of things it doesn't matter. We're going to live with Jesus our Creator and Redeemer forever! Now that is amazing. Everything else pales in comparison.
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