*Rant Alert!* I hate school so much right now...

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*Rant Alert!* I hate school so much right now...

Postby RubyJewelStone » Wed Apr 26, 2006 7:12 pm

Yesterday we got our progress reports for our classes in my schools and I did really good. I got A's and one B except for one class. BIBLE class of all things! I march in only to see an ugly 55/F on my progress report. The reason? 2 assignments for homework that I didn't type. An F for only two little things. It's not even like I didn't do the work. When we turned it the first time (it was written form at that point) the teacher didn't bother to check it.

So more or less I got an F average because he doesn't like to bother reading handwriting.

I'm an EXTREMELY forgetful person so I've completely forgotten homework before and it's never killed my grade. I've never gotten a C average in highschool so far. So to get an F is a real slap.

I'm pretty imfamous around campus for being the smart one, Honor Society, honors classes, getting on the honor roll.. So everyone could tell what happened since when I saw my grade, my face dropped and I sat down and cried for the rest of the class period.

After finally calming down a bit, it's not the F that really gets to me. I can make it up by the time the final report card is out (and just did today). It's the fact that now I have to go to MAPS.

MAPS is this stupid little rip-off program my school has for whenever someone gets an F on a report card or progress report. It it completely pointless to me. So now I have to run around with this stupid little paper write my assignments on, get EVERY SINGLE TEACHER to sign it DAILY, and have a parent sign it before I turn it in daily, or else I'll get a detention for missing any one of the signatures or not turning it in in the morning in the homework room (a small classroom where the whole highschool has to turn in their homework for each class in its respective folder before school starts or else they'll get a 0 on the assignment and a homework hall where they have to do the homework anyways PLUS pay $2 per day you wind up in there. Yeah...detentions and homework halls cost MONEY at my school :shady: ). And then for three days out of the week, I have to report to whatever room it is after school, and you would think it's tutoring, but NO we sit there and do homework. All that, plus it costs 30 dollars a week. I AM NOT RICH WHY DOES MY POOR MOM HAVE TO PAY $30 A WEEK TO MY SCHOOL FOR ME TO SIT THERE AND DO HOMEWORK!!!!!!!!
We get 3 report cards during the duration of the school year and 4 in all (counting the final one that comes after school ends). Those are the only things that can get you out of MAPS. However, the progress reports that come in-between quarters and are really just an update with no permant recording have no problem getting you IN.

Then my Bible teacher had the nerve to give me some dumb anecdote about some lady with no insurance that he got in a car accident with and how "life isn't fair." I obviously wasn't trying to hear it. That's like me flying into a rage and beating up some neighborhood children and saying "So what if I hit them for something else that got me mad? Life isn't fair."

Shouldn't grades be an accurate reflection of how someone is actually doing in a class? I got a perfect score on the test (and it wasn't all multiple choice either), plus an A on my project for the chapter (that he's going to stick on the classroom wall with all the other A projects).
Yes, I should've did the 2 assignments. I have my own parents, thank you, I don't need that yelled at me some more.
I will never get over this since I'm stuck in about $120 worth of MAPS for the rest of the year and there was already tuition to worry about... :bang:


P.S. - Sorry if this is the wrong place for this I needed to vent to someone relatively objective. Plus the pressure to not fill the page up with f and d bombs allowed me to get my thoughts out somewhat coherently... :sweat:
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Wed Apr 26, 2006 7:18 pm

For me, I always make sure I type my homework. Perhaps making sure that in highschool, most teachers want things typed? Even if you have the ability to write it in pen/pencil and paper. Maybe from now on simply type them?

I'm sorry about the MAPS thing. It sounds pretty dumb if you ask me. Especially if they force you to pay. Sounds like some form of extortion or something.
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Wed Apr 26, 2006 7:24 pm

Man, that really sucks! :( I can't believe that they're putting you through all of this just because you made an (unworthy) F. That sounds absolutely horrible...Especially since you have to pay extra just so you can have a period to do homework that you don't even need? Man. Is there any way to take this problem to the administration or to the board, even? I'm sure they'd understand, I mean, you've got a lot going for you grade-wise, and it's not like you've had any trouble in the past with this sort of thing. The whole "life isn't fair" comment is completely rediculous in your situation; life may not always be fair, but that doesn't mean you don't deserve the chance to make it right. I suggest you hold a conference with your Bible teacher, your administrator, whoever you think can help you get this whole thing straightened out. Hope you get all of this fixed soon! :)
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Postby RubyJewelStone » Wed Apr 26, 2006 7:25 pm

I will never understand MAPS, come to think of it, my school makes me pay for a lot of things...

I usually do just type but my tacher was away for a lot of the month and he just had the sub tell us to start our homework in class. We don't walk around with laptops so stuff like that gets either lost or forgotten. I just really wish he would've checked it off as done when he had us turn it in written.
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Postby RubyJewelStone » Wed Apr 26, 2006 7:50 pm

Prospects don't really look good about this really. At the very least he accepts makeup work so I was able to save my report card grade.

But I do not approve of this maps thing but this school tuition is pretty cheap considering the other private schools around and going to the public school for a year to wait for a scholarship for a different school is out of the question, since I WILL get hurt. I know that not all public schools are bad, but trust me the one that the city world require me to go to is imfamously bad. The whole city knows.

My mom has to pay for this by herself since my dad always found the idea of me in private school as rubbish.
Still despite this fiasco, I wouldn't trade this school for anything since it has given me so much good biblical background and even dabbles a bit in apolegetics. It's just tragic that I have to let this leave such a bad taste in my mouth for something that ironically was one of my best classes.
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Postby Syreth » Wed Apr 26, 2006 9:10 pm

I feel for you a bit. I'm going through somewhat of the same thing right now actually. Not nearly as extreme, but teachers being nitpicky just the same. It just seems weird to me that some teachers seem eager to grade people down. It's discouraging really. Like you said, if you try hard, shouldn't you get a good grade?

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Postby Lynx » Wed Apr 26, 2006 10:05 pm

wow that really sucks.

i usually type my papers tho, actually it's faster for me to type a paper then it is for me to write them out by hand, is it the same for you too?
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Postby Bobtheduck » Wed Apr 26, 2006 10:21 pm

I'd ditch that school. That is just plain wrong. No joke. That's the kind of abuse you would hate to get in college (and there are a lot of profs that do that sort of thing) but High School? That teacher should be shot, and the school charging you for getting an F that was undeserved? I wanna call that school up and rip into them for doing that. That's just entirely uncalled for.

Wow, that pisses me off.
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Postby DragonSlayer » Wed Apr 26, 2006 10:49 pm

Thats just wrong, it really is, paying for that is incredbly wrong. I hate school anyway it goes but man! That just really irks me! seriously where do they get the nerve to make you pay for detention and some afterschool thing where you do homework, its ridiculous and just plaing stupid!!! Did you get out of MAPS with make up work though? Im iwht Bobtheduck though, I'd like to call the school and rip into em. Not to mention the teacher!
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Postby RubyJewelStone » Thu Apr 27, 2006 1:16 pm

I'm still stuck in MAPS.
I just hope that one of the admistrators look into that. It's obviously unusual if 15 out of a 21 student class get an F.
The prinicipal's son is in my class and has MAPS right along with me, and this one girl is in there because the teacher just plain lost her project.
I'm really fed up with this school. I'd rather go to an all girl's school in Trinidad or something than this stuff.
Anyways, my mom's too relieved that this won't affect my GPA to listen to me and all she is saying is "why didn't you type the assignments?"
The teacher in question is too stuck on his "I gave you guys the chance to do makeup work" high horse to listen.
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Postby mechana2015 » Thu Apr 27, 2006 4:37 pm

Is there procedure to protest the placement into MAPS? It seems that with your GPA, there shouldn't be a question as to whether you can do your homework.

In my experience, even students can alter a policy if theyre smart enough in how they enact the change and make their arguements.

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Postby Puguni » Thu Apr 27, 2006 5:16 pm

I think you said this was a private school. I dunno, it seems private schools can do pretty much whatever; public schools are basically governed by the parents and etc. But that's the impression I get. Sorry for the crap you have to put up. >P
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Postby RubyJewelStone » Thu Apr 27, 2006 5:29 pm

Yep it's private school.

The students here can't use teamwork to save their lives. I know this from the numerous attempts to petition people out of expulsion and the failed cafeteria boycott.
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