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Has anyone ever felt this way...

Postby ChristianKitsune » Sun Apr 30, 2006 4:36 pm

Lately I have been feeling that I am wasting my life on stupid things...does anyone else feel this way sometimes?

I mean.. I only get to live once...am I really making it count? Are my decisions going to take me to good places? Or will those decisions end up being mistakes?

These are things I wonder..and sometimes..sitting at this computer I wonder if I am wasting my life doing this too...

*sigh* Mesa feel weird today...
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Postby Uriah » Sun Apr 30, 2006 4:41 pm

I'm pretty sure everyone does. Everyone that cares at all, anyway..
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Postby White Raven » Sun Apr 30, 2006 4:54 pm

Haha yeah all the time.
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Postby Steeltemplar » Sun Apr 30, 2006 5:04 pm

I dunno. Computer time never seems a waste to me :)

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I do understand, honestly. I think that if I were not an IT major and so thus looking at computer knowledge as my future career, I should worry more about myself.
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Postby the_lizardqueen » Sun Apr 30, 2006 5:08 pm

I always get freaked out by the computer, I mean here I am, spending hours at a time sitting stationary and staring at a glowing *box*.

But at least the CAA is a community with real people, it certainly could be worse. I used to always lurk online and that was way more depressing. And I believe that online communities are no worse than television and solitary gaming, or most other forms of North American entertainment for that matter.

As for doubting your decisions, it's way better to give it a shot and fail instead of passing everything by due to fear that it'll be the wrong decision. I find that I tend to regret missed opportunities way more than mistakes. Which is probably why I'm currently in my third year of an Illustration degree even though I've heard that there's no hope of ever actually being able to support myself once I get out into the real world. I figure if the Illustration career falls through, it'll be then that I finally opt for the safer plan B ^^;

Er, what *was* plan B again? O_o
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Sun Apr 30, 2006 5:26 pm

YES that's exactly how I feel, LQ!

good advice too..

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Postby Syreth » Sun Apr 30, 2006 5:36 pm

Hmm... let's see. I'm taking classes and filling my head with trivia to get a piece of paper that says that I can work. Not only that, but the things I'm learning have virtually no impact on my eternal arrival whatsoever. Nevertheless, in laying it all out before God, He's given me peace that this is an opportunity that I should take advantage of, since it's one that not many people have (or one that people take for granted). I think this feeling is very normal, though. You're not alone!
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Postby Yumie » Sun Apr 30, 2006 5:38 pm

I feel that way sometimes when I look at other people's accomplishments-- like missionaries from the past who have gone down in history for all the awesome stuff they did, or even people now, like the students who started the "Invisible Children" movement. But, I guess, just look at it this way. God has a plan for everybody. And though God may have very glamorous things planned for some people, like raising awareness about the war in Uganda, there are some of us who may wind up doing "behind the scenes" work for the kingdom. And it may feel like we're not doing anything cool with our lives, but as long as we're keeping our eyes open for whatever God is calling us to do, and we're willing to respond when we hear Him call, then we're not wasting our lives at all. The main thing is just that we make sure we're listening for Him.
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Postby agasfas » Sun Apr 30, 2006 10:00 pm

Yeah I know how you feel. I think most people question whether or not they are wasting a part of their life... That's why I try to limit my computer use and go outside to enjoy the world around me.

I've heard many people say over the years, "you only live once, have fun." Although I think it has relavence, I try to also think, "you only life once, don't do anything too stupid."
I think it's finding a mix between the two; living life and being careful too. But yeah, I think everyone feels that way at times and if you have that feeling... then perhaps it's somethign inside ya telling you to limit computer time and try to exprience/try other things too. *shrugs*
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Postby Sammy Boy » Tue May 02, 2006 7:00 am

I feel this way at times since I realise I am only moderately good at a few things, but never good at any one thing. I can always find someone who is better than me at anything I do (except maybe playing Street Fighter II, but I am not sure that kind of achievement is helpful - and I bet there will be CAAers who are better than me at the game).

I've kind of reconciled myself to this fact, it's just the way I am. My value isn't dependent on these things anyway, so I may as well give it my best shot, but not get upset if I'm not as good as the next person, and just enjoy life. :)
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Postby Deimos » Wed May 03, 2006 3:11 pm

Yes, all the time. Especially when it comes to sitting in front of the computer all day and finding out that what I do there is not a replacement of reality. The more time I stare at my monitor and realize how much time just went by, I feel shocked at the things I am missing out in the real world.

Like what's been said here, moderation is the key, as well as knowing the priorities that you feel affect your life directly and personally. Knowing what to do when you reach a fork in the road relies on you balancing between the pros and cons of the decision, and how both will affect you in the long run. Recognizing God's will for you is definately something that needs to be considered as well. I will admit that I am still in the dark about what it is that God wants me to do with my life, but I am sure it will be revealed to me if I keep a humble and patient attitude about what it is exactly.
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Postby TrigunX89 » Wed May 03, 2006 10:34 pm

I've been feeling like this a lot lately. I spend most of my days at home, just passing time away. That's why I'm on CAA. I don't know what I want to do with my life, I can't drive yet, I can't seem to pass my highschool exam, and most of all - I've never had a girlfriend. For most of my life, this stuff never mattered to me. But now, it's like I find myself thinking about stuff like this all the time. It's pretty depressing. I need to make myself remember that God has a plan for me in all of this. Maybe I need to go outside for a walk. But not now, because it's dark outside.
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Postby Sammy Boy » Thu May 04, 2006 3:22 am

TrigunX89 wrote:I can't drive yet, I can't seem to pass my highschool exam, and most of all - I've never had a girlfriend. For most of my life, this stuff never mattered to me. But now, it's like I find myself thinking about stuff like this all the time. It's pretty depressing.

I was in a similar position once. It took me three times to get my driver's licence. I didn't stop at the red light the first time (not sure what I was thinking there - immediate fail), and went over the speed limit the second time (immediate fail).

I also did poorly at my studies, and during uni didn't have a girlfriend when all my friends did. But you know, eventually life does go on, and what seemed like crucial problems at first don't seem so bad later.

Like you said, God has a plan for you. :)
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Postby TrigunX89 » Thu May 04, 2006 4:18 pm

Thanks, Ultra. :)
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Postby Sakaki Onsei » Thu May 04, 2006 4:30 pm

Oh wow...this brings up a whole can of worms for me.

I do feel like I did waste time, and money, on my previous career as a disc jockey. I spent almost 9000 on a piece of paper that said "You now have the experience to start as a DJ that will earn you less than a job at McDonalds."

Here at the U, I feel that my money is going to a better cause, but I am so unsure as to what God has for me, that it seems like I'm wasting my time.

I mean...I'm 26, and I don't have a real idea of which career to take. Or even which country to live in.
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Postby harina » Sun May 07, 2006 4:33 am

I never feel that way. At least, not usually.
My opinoins are that living is not about experiencing all kinds of things. It's finding out God's will in your life, finding out who you are and what controls your doings, learning to know other people and just enjoying the life. ^^
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Postby dreamhacker » Sun May 07, 2006 4:48 am

TrigunX89 wrote:I don't know what I want to do with my life, I can't drive yet, I can't seem to pass my highschool exam, and most of all - I've never had a girlfriend. For most of my life, this stuff never mattered to me.

That is a bit like me, no idea what I really wanna do with my life, I've not had a girlfriend, and now my grades just suck (not close from failing math completly ><). When it comes to driving, I couldn't care less if I never got to drive :P. And you know what, I just spend all day in front of the computer or is wasting time on something else. Often when I just sit here a whole day doing nothing useful, I get this feeling. Maybe I should get a girlfriend and just try to stop wasting time in front of the computer, that would help a lot I guess. But, I trust God will help me out if everything just gets screwed up ^^
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