Is there something wrong with our society when.... (POSSIBLE RANT ALERT

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Is there something wrong with our society when.... (POSSIBLE RANT ALERT

Postby ChristianKitsune » Wed May 03, 2006 8:24 pm

Ok, today, a young student at my highschool's father was suddenly found dead in his Semi Truck. (I will post this in the Prayer room too).

The thing is...this particular girl is a freshman, and not very popular. In fact, a lot of people downright hated her.

I'll admit she isn't the nicest girl on the planet...but she isn't horrible either. Probably misunderstood.

Anyway...I am not sure if many people know about this situation...but some of those that DO know...simply shrug it off and say "Oh well, it's sad, but it's not MY PROBLEM"

That bothers me...When a society today, doesn't seem to care about the unfortunate, when society today, would rather worry about poor children over seas, than our own children here who need just as much help.
It bothers me, when I see a girl, who has not many friends, being treated like she is a second class citezen just because "It's not the rest of the people's problem."

Yes, there are many that DO care...but I believe there are A LOT more that worry about their own skin and no one else's.

I know somewhere in the bible we are told to help the unfortunate, like widows and orphans and the like (Someone wanna help me here? is that near the Beattitudes in Matthew, I can't remember right off the top of my head where that verse is.)

Anyway, this isn't the only situation...last week a dear friend of mine, went through something terrible...and no one seemed to care about her tragedy. They simply shrugged it off and said "It doesn't affect me, why should I care?"

Isn't there something wrong when society feels they can do this? Isn't there something wrong, when it takes a MAJOR tradgedy for people to really see? But then once the shock and awe of this tradgedy passes...people go back to the way they used to be....

I am sorry, mods, if this turns into a debate... but I really want some feedback on has me really really bothered...
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Postby Nate » Wed May 03, 2006 8:29 pm

The Bible is pretty clear on this, Kitchan.

"Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn." - Romans 12:15

We are called to share the feelings of our brothers and sisters. That society has rejected this, shows how far our world has fallen.

Ezekiel 23:20
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Postby Syreth » Wed May 03, 2006 8:33 pm

It is unfortunate when people don't take the time or have concern for others. I wouldn't expect people who don't know Christ to really give a rip about anyone else, unfortunately. Of course, that's not to say that there aren't people who do have a genuine care for others who aren't Christian. However, If people don't hold to a religion or worldview that includes loving others, then why would they care about anybody else?

James 1:27
Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Wed May 03, 2006 8:49 pm

Sadly, today's mindset is focused on the self. People always go "atleast it didn't happen to me. It happened to someone else"

We are always someone else to someone else. One who can relate would usually be sympathetic.

Much more is wrong with society. It's not a good place to be I guess
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Wed May 03, 2006 8:56 pm

I know it should be no surprise...but really saddens and depresses me to see people I care about having this same's like.. "HELLLOO you aren't the only people in this world...GET USED TO IT!"

I may look through rose colored glasses...and maybe it's conviction on my part too..I probably could have been more caring to this person... and I feel so guilty that I ignored her..

why does a tradgedy open eyes? Why is it, that when everything is cool, we really don't care...but when something bad happens..THEN we see?

The sad thing is, I know a lot of christians that act this way too...

Yeah, God knows my heart on this...I have been talking.. I guess I shouldn't be so angry either...

-.- thanks for your replies guys they do help.
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Postby Syreth » Wed May 03, 2006 9:26 pm

Tragedy always seems to wake people up, among other things (women, children and responsibility). It is unfortunate that even some Christians only seek God in the hard times. However, I would propose that criticizing or reflecting on things like these are only beneficial if it leads you to take action yourself. Nobody benefits from evaluation alone -- and complaining is destructive. Of course, I'm not saying that you're complaining, it's just something to be careful of. I trust that you have a genuine burden for these people and issues.
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Postby 4m3r1c4 » Thu May 04, 2006 6:31 am

its really weird things that have been happening to me lately, last night i watched lain and when it was over i went to sleep..earlier than usual..and about half an hour into my sleep i was awakened by screeching tires and screams of a small child and i couldnt do anything..even though i wanted to run outside and help i just laid in bed and just thought about what was happening. right before it happened though I was dreaming i guess of what was about to happen and its like it happened in reverse in my thoughts right before it actually happened and when it did happen i was in shock. after a while i got up and looked out the window and i then noticed it wasnt too serious as nobody was killed or didnt seem Thank God nothing too bad happened.
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Postby rocklobster » Thu May 04, 2006 5:40 pm

It's like Clarence says in It's A Wonderful Life. "One Life Touches so many others. And when he's gone, it leaves a big, empty hole."
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