KBMaster wrote:There was this one time at my gramma's house when this HUGE spider was behind the tv and my grampa sprayed it with bug spray and then like 50 little ones came out from under the dead one!! It was scary.
ClosetOtaku wrote:I don't suppose, Tenshi, that it would help you to know that, according to entomologists, you are never more than about three feet away from a spider...
ClosetOtaku wrote:I don't suppose, Tenshi, that it would help you to know that, according to entomologists, you are never more than about three feet away from a spider...
DrNic wrote:Im not a fan of spider but to tell you the truth, the bug I'm most scared of is the moth @_@ Over here in England they aren't too bad, but when I went over to the states 'shudders' You guys are mega unlucky. I'm so glad I don't live in Florida.
Mr. SmartyPants wrote:I will somehow. With all my power, go against that law of nature.
AHH A SPIDER *runs away*
FarmGirl wrote:Oooh, found this one in my bathroom.
You don't want to click this if you have a major problem with spiders.
Warrior 4 Jesus wrote:We have some very dangerous and large spiders in Australia and I hate the things!
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