I... hate... spiders! >_<

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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Thu May 11, 2006 8:56 pm

Come on, come to Australia. While we do have most of the deadly creatures here, you can get by most days without seeing a deadly spider. But that's if you live in suburbs. Country is more likely to have more.
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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Thu May 11, 2006 9:15 pm

Warrior 4 Jesus wrote:Come on, come to Australia. While we do have most of the deadly creatures here, you can get by most days without seeing a deadly spider.

...I want a pet wallaby. Always have since I've seen that you can have them as pets in a magazine. But if I did have $$$ and stuff, I would so head down there^^ I want to traveeeeel! v_v
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Thu May 11, 2006 9:34 pm

A pet wallaby? Yeah, that would be cool. But they are native animals and not really domestic sort. You would need a fair bit of land, a permit, and the knowledge to look after one too. Maybe an echidna would be easier? (lol) I've always wanted an echidna.
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Postby Gypsy » Thu May 11, 2006 10:21 pm

Spiders and I are ok as long as I see them first - same thing with snakes. If they jump me, it's squish time ... same thing with snakes.
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Postby DrNic » Fri May 12, 2006 2:36 am

But some moths can be really pretty^^ Like those huge red atlus moths^^ Oh and those striped tiger ones^^ Yeah they can get big and I picked on up once that was the biggest I've ever seen and I'm sure some would even think it was a butterfly!

Oh no they're not, they are nasty little things that make my skin crawl. I flip out if a big one is nearby (and anything bigger than a grain of rice = big). Once we were waiting outside my art A-level class and something fell from the ceiling onto my arm. I thought it was a leaf but it was this big fat hairy moth. I literally jumped 5 feet in the air flailing my arms around and started shouting "If you bring that thing near me I'm gonna mash it into your face!". A bunch of kids were laughing at me :S It's one of my top three phobias (if not the first). And I saw one of those Atlas Moths on the net. The image made me turn white with fear. I think I'd die if one ever came near me :S
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Postby Warrior4Christ » Fri May 12, 2006 6:36 am

I dislike spiders. It's more like a passive dislike rather than an active hate.

However, a spider dropping onto you unexpectedly is definitely a shock/fear inducing thing.
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Postby mitsuki lover » Fri May 12, 2006 12:12 pm

Spiders are our friends.They kill pests such as aphids and flies.
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Postby Heart of Sword » Fri May 12, 2006 7:52 pm

It's not really nice to say snakes are hideous and stuff...you're entitled to your opinion, but that seems kinda rude to someone like me who loves snakes...

Mega wrote:i like spiders but me not like spiders id ont really like snakes either but they are satan's creatures

Umm...snakes are not Satan's creatures, sorry. If they were, then they wouldn't be on the New Earth.

I have a pet snake and he's very sweet and friendly, and loves children. He is definitely not Satanic. A snake is just an animal]was[/i] Satan, not an everyday, ordinary snake.

:shady: I love my snake very, very much. He's one of my best friends.
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Postby ZiP » Fri May 12, 2006 7:54 pm

Ahh, I respect spiders...

As Lovedrug said:

"If God was on the radio i know he'd say to thee, love is spiders on the edge, and we're hanging by a thread, connected to the other end of this twisted frequency i've spun, but i don't care, i'd be happy if you'd share your web with me."

Spiders, often ignored, feared, and crushed... just like love.
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Fri May 12, 2006 8:06 pm

Heart of Sword, I think you are taking it too personally.
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Postby Heart of Sword » Fri May 12, 2006 8:12 pm

Apologies if my post came across that way. ^^;;;

I'm just tired of people saying snakes are evil...when I got my pet snake, my great-grandmother told me it was going to possess me...=__=;;; And some people kill snakes and torture them because they think snakes are demons...which makes me pretty sad...
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Fri May 12, 2006 8:24 pm

I don't think snakes are evil, but most here are very deadly and not to be trifled with. I think they look interesting but I'm not fond of them. Lizards on the other hand are awesome.
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Postby Yumie » Fri May 12, 2006 8:27 pm

Let's just go ahead and say that this doesn't need to become an animal lovers vs. animal haters thread. So far we've been fine, but I just figure it's better to say this now so that everybody is aware that this isn't allowed to become a debate. If you like spiders, cool. If you don't like them, cool. Just lets not start pitting ourselves against eachother. Because in the end, animals aren't as important as people, so lets not let them get in the way of our relationships. ;) Thanks guys.

As for me, I'm paralyzingly terrified of spiders. And when I'm able to move again after the initial shock, it's a screamin', flailing, wailing kind of moving. Thus, I tend to avoid them. XD
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Postby Heart of Sword » Fri May 12, 2006 8:28 pm

I don't mean people who are cautious (you should be cautious around most snakes)...I mean people who actually think they're of Satan. There is absolutely no Biblical proof that they're Satanic, it's just an assumption that people make without even looking into it.

I think lizards are cute...I have a special place in my heart for snakes, though, especially since I've never had a lizard.
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Postby Rexman64 » Fri May 12, 2006 8:28 pm

Heh, sorry about that. ^^;; I'm just something of a snake-a-phobic... >_>;;
Don't defrost the alligator.

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Postby Heart of Sword » Fri May 12, 2006 8:30 pm

I don't recall you saying that snakes were Satanic. It's okay to be afraid of them, but saying they're of Satan is going way too far. ^^;;;
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Postby Rexman64 » Fri May 12, 2006 8:33 pm

No, but I was the one who made the hideous comment... But as much as I don't like the creatures, I certainly don't think they're satanic. ^^;;
Don't defrost the alligator.

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Postby Heart of Sword » Fri May 12, 2006 8:36 pm

As I said you are entitled to your opinion, I'm just funny about stuff like that.

It's all a matter of perspective, I suppose...but when I say something is ugly, I always say "in my opinion" so that other people don't get ticked off, because I get irritated about stuff like that for some reason.

I guess I just like there to be a clear line between opinion and fact.
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Fri May 12, 2006 9:02 pm

Snakes are definetly not Satanic! That's very ignorant of people to think that. Just because Satan took the form of a serpent (Snake/Lizard) doesn't mean they are evil.
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Postby Heart of Sword » Sat May 13, 2006 8:54 am

Right...Satan also masquerades as an angel of light; does that mean angels of light are evil?
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Sat May 13, 2006 9:54 am

asdghsSpiders. Oooohhhh, I hate 'em. XDD What's worse is that my brother is a major arachnophobe, so whenever we're at home alone and a spider crawls up, the job of killing it falls to me. XD

I remember one time when there was a spider right outside my bedroom door...*shudders* It was a big spider, and my brother and I were home alone. He saw the thing and ran upstairs screaming, while I was stuck in my room. XD He kept screaming, from the top of the stairs, "Kill it!! Have you killed it yet?? KILL IT!!" Well, after the gross thing crawled (hasdf, I HATE when they crawl...I think I screamed. XD) away from my door to the bottom of the stairs, I was able to get out of my room and run to the kitchen to grab the can of Raid and a flyswatter. When I got back, I stood about 5 feet away from that spider and stared it down for about 10 minutes (not because I actually thought I was intimidating it, but because I was trying to muster up the courage to spray the can of Raid. XD). Once I started spraying, the thing ran off, but I chased after it, cornered it, and killed it. Yes. My moment of triumph. XD

There were other instances; however, that I didn't get so lucky. There was a HUGE spider in my kitchen once, and my brother ran to me and told me to kill it. The thing was pretty big, and I was a lot younger. I stood there staring at it with a shoe in my hand, but I never moved. XD I just called my mom and watched the spider until she got home. XD

Of course, not all spiders bother me. I've always thought the big garden spiders (the ones that spin the orb webs) were cool, and I used to love watching them. They eat cockroaches. They are friends. XD

I do remember, though, when a garden spider spun its web across the front door at my house. It was right outside the storm door, so it was REALLY close. We were leaving for school one morning, and when we opened the door, there was this HUGE garden spider staring us in the face. XD Ohhh, I screamed. It actually moved its web before we got home, though, so that was convenient. :lol:

Oh, and I remember this other time (what is this, the fourth story? XD) when I was feeding my neighbors cats, and there was a GIANT wolf spider on the screen door. Oh, I could barely move enough to run away. XD When I did get rid of my paralyzation, I ran back home and had my aunt (she was visiting) come kill it with me. We grabbed a tennis racket (Hey. That thing was big. XD) and a can of Raid, and we killed it. We killed it with much screaming and jumping around, but we did kill it. XD

Just recently (well, last fall sometime, I believe), we had a spider spin its web at our front door in our new house. This was actually cool, though, because we got to watch it spin its web. That's the thing about spiders that amazes me...The intricacy of the web. And did you know that only certain strands on the web are sticky? The spider actually remembers which strands aren't sticky, so she doesn't catch herself in her own web. It's pretty cool, I think.

I suppose in my case, I'm fine with spiders, as long as they aren't on me, and as long as they do not pass over the threshold of my home. XD Once they get into my territory, they are no longer pretty and/or interesting.

And now I have the shudders, from all this talk of spiders. XD
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Sat May 13, 2006 7:14 pm

Garden spiders are pretty cool.
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Postby DaughterOfZion » Sat May 13, 2006 7:25 pm

thats one problem of summer for me too. in the summer we get recluses.yucky spiders. for that reason we have to make sure to keep our clothes picked up. oh yeah and wasps. we have a chimney so we get wasps in the house.
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Postby DaughterOfZion » Sat May 13, 2006 7:28 pm

you could always put a glass over the spider. i know a girl that does that. she traps 'em till someone else kills the bug. sometimes the bugs suffocate before there's a chance for them to be squashed.
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Sat May 13, 2006 7:33 pm

Spiders aren't bugs. They are arachnids.
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Postby Yumie » Sat May 13, 2006 7:33 pm

Ha ha ha. . . This one time. . . we were having the women's Bible study at my house, and we're all sitting around in a circle praying. Anyways, I was sitting a little back from the rest of the group, and I was in this big armchair, when all of the sudden this GINORMOUS spider comes out from behind the bookshelf in the room. And it starts crawling toward me (I guess I had my eyes open for some reason. . . bad me! XD) So then, it just keeps crawling toward my chair, and I'm like, "*inhale* it's OK. It can't get me in this chair if I keep my feet up." But then-- it started JUMPING! STRAIGHT TOWARD ME! So I stand up in my armchair and let out a blood-curling scream, right in the middle of prayer. Obviously, everyone looked up, and I was like, "Spiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiddddddeeeeer!" So my mom got up and jumped on it.

Moral of this story, kids: Close your eyes during prayer. XD
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Postby Artist4Jesus89 » Sat May 13, 2006 7:37 pm

AAAH ME TOO MAN THEY ARE MEVIL (my sisters and my word lol long story...) my sister and i call the vacum cleaner the mevil killer... spiders are ........ so scary and they are there iven when you clean an enitre house and they NEVER GO AWAY its bad *cries*
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Postby Heart of Sword » Sat May 13, 2006 7:52 pm

Killing harmless animals...it seems pointless to me...I mean, just because you dislike something doesn't mean you can just destroy it. It is part of Creation. Would you destroy an artist's sculpture just because it's not as pretty as all the other ones?

Because a spider is The Artist's sculpture. And no amount of dislike can change that.

No, I'm not trying to get into a debate. I'm stating common fact. God made spiders.

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25 God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.

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Postby Nate » Sat May 13, 2006 8:00 pm

Heart of Sword wrote:Killing harmless animals...it seems pointless to me...I mean, just because you dislike something doesn't mean you can just destroy it. It is part of Creation. Would you destroy an artist's sculpture just because it's not as pretty as all the other ones?

There is a difference. That's a faulty analogy, because spiders inspire fear in people. An artist's sculpture (so far as human artists, mind you) rarely inspire fear. Spiders, however, do. When humans experience fear, there is what is called the "fight or flight" response. Since it would be ludicrous for a person to avoid, say, their bathroom for the rest of their lives due to a spider, it is only natural they would kill it.

Whether you agree with it or not, whether you say it is harmless or not, is not for you to judge. Fear is, by its very nature, irrational. You have things you are afraid off, Heart of Sword, I am sure. But you do not see me being judgemental of you for what you fear. Perhaps what you fear is not as tangible as a spider, it may be heights, the dark, what have you. However, your fear is just as irrational as those who are afraid of spiders.

I have taken a psychology class, I highly doubt you have. I am aware of the full effect of fear on the human brain and the human body. It's a very powerful motivator, fear, and to a person who doesn't experience fear often, it can be difficult to understand. Thus, I hope I have helped you understand fear a little bit, and as such you will be less judgemental of those who experience it. ^^

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Postby Heart of Sword » Sat May 13, 2006 8:02 pm

People fear other races. Does that make it right to mistreat other races? No. I know there is a difference between people and animals, but that isn't the point. Because someone is afraid of something does not give them the right to end a life that God has created.

Yes, we have dominion over animals, but senseless killing is definitely abusing that dominion. I don't recall God saying "destroy my creation when you feel it's unworthy."

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