wiggins wrote:Do you guys think that God would be mad with me, if I broke my promise? I mean, I would continue reading my Bible everyday, just that I wouldn't hold myself to a chapter a day.
I have the same problem, and I would recommend that you invest in a good bible commentary for these purposes. That way, you can refer to it as you read if you find something that you do not fully understand. There are several available for under $20, and there are others that break $1,000. I would recommend that you start with one of the cheaper ones, because that will probably be enough to help you understand the passages. Later on, you might want to get more, so that you could compare the thoughts of the commentators.Ashley wrote:I'm hoping Rev. Doc or someone else equally wise in the faith can help me out here---It's easy for me to read, but not to understand. Several times I look and my bible and think "God, where to start?" Which usually leads to picking up the easy passages everyone knows. Or, if I do go out on a limb and read something new, like Micah, I have no idea how to apply it. Listening to a pastor, I can immediately see the application...it's just on my own, I'm not wise enough to discern it.
Rev. Doc wrote:Actually, I think God's Spirit has pointed out to you just how unrealistic the vow you made to Him was. Humanity has a bad track record in making these vows to God and not keeping them. So how much scripture does God expect us to read each day? Personally, I believe just enough to impact one's life. This may be a chapter, it may be two. Or it may just be one short verse. It will vary day by day for everyone. To set limits on your Bible reading, in my opinon, is to set limits on God. I would bow before God and admit to Him your relization that what you have done is wrong. Commit to Him instead all the time He needs to speak to your heart from His word, however much that will be on any given day. Our God's love is unconditional. He is a God who forgives. Vows are serious and should be considered wisely before being made. He has taught you a very important lesson through this experience.
wiggins wrote:How do you know when it's enough to impact your life. Is it like when you read a scripture verse and go hey this applies or can apply to me in some question I've had?
wiggins wrote:do you think God will release me from my earlier promise and forgive me?
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