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Postby wiggins » Sun Jan 18, 2004 2:27 pm

Hi everyone. This is a thread not just for me, but for everyone to post about any fears of theirs they wish to share. Then maybe some of us kind and goodly CAAers can give one another pratical and Christian advices about their fears, and maybe a scripture verse or two.

Since I'm starting this thread, I'll start with twoi of my fears:

1) God will get so fed up with me that he will forsake me, spew me out of His mouth, or or and withdraw His Spirit, Self Blessing, Presence, and or or Favor from me, or forget me or ignore me and turn away from me.

2) Satan, the Antichrist or one of their minions or somebelongings (like some kind of satanic book or something) will somehow steal my heart, soul, mind, body, life, and faith away from myself and from God

Please post lots of good Christian and practical advice and remindersfor me, and feel free to post your own fears so others can help you out. :) Thanks!

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Postby Needle Noggin » Sun Jan 18, 2004 2:52 pm

Hmmm I am not scared of alot of things but when I do something I get VERY paranoid.Like if I or someone else is using somthing shrap I will think they might poke out their eye or something.

When I first learned about the deisese Ebola I was terrifed for weeks that I might get it even tho Its only in Africa.

Some thimes I tink about what It woukd be like to be blinnd and then get reall catious for the next few mintunes
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Postby Ashley » Sun Jan 18, 2004 2:53 pm

Hey Wiggins,
Boy, you seem to be in sync with some spiritual issues I had in the past. What always comforted by when I felt I was too horrible to return to God (or that he would turn away from me and ignore me because I was so horrible to Him) was the fact that you know, God knows everything. That means before he even created us, He knew every sin we'd ever commit, including turning away from Him or being unfaithful. So He knew all of that, knew all the pain it would cause Him, and still chose to undergo the cross. So you can't suprise him by doing the unforgivable! He already knows every bad thing you will ever do, and with that knowledge, still says "the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you." [Deut. 31:6, Matt 28:20 also has a similiar verse].

Here's some other great comfort verses:
"You have forgiven the iniquity of Your people; you have covered all their sin" [Psalm 85:2; emphasis added]

"I will be merciful to the unrighteous, and their ins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more" [Heb. 8:12]

"I will pardon all their iniquities by which they have sinned and by which they have transgressed against me" [Jer. 33:8]

and here's an especially poignant one for me: For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. [Rom 8:38]

So see! God loves you very deeply and promises many, many times not only to never forsake you, but never to hold your sins against you. He even promises to seperate us from our sins as far as east is from west.

I think it's a logical conclusion to say that if God will never leave us or revoke our salvation, He certainly won't let Satan do anything to take it away either. Sure, he will stumble us and try to make us fall, but remember we are "more than conquerors" in Christ! That means through Him, we can stomp Satan. I'll be praying for the Lord to grant you confidence to stand up to Satan and not fear him...like I've mentioned before, I've been terrified of some of the very same things. I sincerely hoped this helped you.
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Postby cbwing0 » Sun Jan 18, 2004 2:57 pm

wiggins wrote:1) God will get so fed up with me that he will forsake me, spew me out of His mouth, or or and withdraw His Spirit, Self Blessing, Presence, and or or Favor from me, or forget me or ignore me and turn away from me.

I have always had trouble with it. It seems like anyone who would be worried about this happening would not be in danger of being "spewed out." In other words, you are striving to be a good Christian in having this fear, so you don't have to be worried about the punishment. I think that someone who was actually lukewarm and about the be spewed out wouldn't really care about it at that point in their life. It is also important to realize and remember that God's forgiveness is infinite, so you shouldn't spend a lot of time worry about this.

Here are some of my fears:

1.Sometimes I fear being left alone in a strange place, without knowing how to get home.

2.When I'm in water, and I can't see the bottom, I sometimes fear that there is something there (Jaws, alligators/crocodiles, etc.) that will kill me.

I don't really have any "religious" fears that I care to share.
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Postby wiggins » Sun Jan 18, 2004 3:21 pm

cbwing0 wrote:I have always had trouble with it. It seems like anyone who would be worried about this happening would not be in danger of being "spewed out." In other words, you are striving to be a good Christian in having this fear, so you don't have to be worried about the punishment. I think that someone who was actually lukewarm and about the be spewed out wouldn't really care about it at that point in their life. It is also important to realize and remember that God's forgiveness is infinite, so you shouldn't spend a lot of time worry about this.

Here are some of my fears:

1.Sometimes I fear being left alone in a strange place, without knowing how to get home.

2.When I'm in water, and I can't see the bottom, I sometimes fear that there is something there (Jaws, alligators/crocodiles, etc.) that will kill me.

I don't really have any "religious" fears that I care to share.

Fear 1: Well firstly, I'm sure with a bit of wandering around you can find someone to ask directions from. Also remember that God is with you no matter where you go or are. You can't escape Him even if you wanted to. Maybe you could bring a pocket map around too.

Fear 2: If you live in an urban area, I don't think that there will be any sharks, alligators, crocodiles, etc. Plus, God is ALWAYS with you and protecting you.

Wiggins :thumb:
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Postby JediSonic » Sun Jan 18, 2004 3:21 pm

I got freaked out when my dad mentioned Ebola to me, but he didn't give it a name... I was just watching a few minutes of the medical thriller "outbreak" with him and he said "hey that guy slowly bleeding to death.. it's kind of like this one disease in the real world where" and I'm like "AAHHHH!!!" lol jk

Anyway sometimes I have that "jaws" feeling too, but not a lot; I had a swimming pool when I was 6 so I'm pretty comfortable in water :)

As far as faith goes, I usually don't have big fears of the kind that you guys mentioned.. but I might in the future. I think at this point in my life I'm pretty able to trust in what God said about His forgiveness, and keep my worries to a pretty healthy level. I think Catholics are somewhat less focused on "is this person going to heaven or hell??" than a lot of denominations, and that's part of it. Not that we think it's unimportant, certainly, but just knowing the fact that you aren't helping anyone by trying to predict God's actions. I hope I said that right. : /
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Postby ShiroiHikari » Sun Jan 18, 2004 3:36 pm

I'm really not afraid of God forsaking me, or of Satan taking me. Maybe that's not such a good thing.

Something kinda weird though. When I go into someone else's bathroom, I always have to look behind the shower curtain and make sure there's no one in it, because I'm always afraid someone will be in there. o.O
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Postby Spiritsword » Sun Jan 18, 2004 5:19 pm

My greatest fear is nonexistence, or the permanent ending of my self-awareness. That's still one of Satan's best ways to get at me--a fear of death and that nagging doubt--what if there is no existence after death--what if death really is the end? Therefore, I get anxious in situations where I feel out of control and close to the possibility of death--like riding in an airplane.
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Postby Needle Noggin » Sun Jan 18, 2004 5:21 pm

Therefore, I get anxious in situations where I feel out of control and close to the possibility of death--like riding in an airplane I am the same way with planes
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Postby cbwing0 » Sun Jan 18, 2004 5:23 pm

Spiritsword wrote:My greatest fear is nonexistence, or the permanent ending of my self-awareness. That's still one of Satan's best ways to get at me--a fear of death and that nagging doubt--what if there is no existence after death--what if death really is the end?
Well if death really is the end, then it doesn't matter one way or the other...we just kind of "go to sleep" except it's forever. I suppose it is difficult not to fear physical death.
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Postby Rev. Doc » Sun Jan 18, 2004 6:07 pm

Only thing that comes to mind for me is that I have a fear of heights. I can't get too close to the edge of buildings or balconies of high buildings. I don't have any problems with being in planes etc. just at the edge of heights. I have an elevator reserved for the rapture.
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Postby Htom Sirveaux » Sun Jan 18, 2004 6:19 pm

One word: Bees. I... hate... bees. I suffered a nasty bee-related trauma when I was little. I'm severely allergic to them now.
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Postby JediSonic » Sun Jan 18, 2004 7:22 pm

I'm afraid of heights, and I'm afraid of spiders... but not any more than the average person. It's funny, my dad is more afraid of spiders than my mom is I think. It's not the hairy legs that get me, so much as the mandibles. The size of their head. lol *shudder*
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Postby LorentzForce » Sun Jan 18, 2004 7:42 pm

i fear nothing but God. really.

oh wait, except darkness; but only because my desk is rigid and i often hit it with my toes, and that hurts. otherwise, nah.
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Postby Spiritsword » Sun Jan 18, 2004 8:05 pm

cbwing0 wrote:Well if death really is the end, then it doesn't matter one way or the other...we just kind of "go to sleep" except it's forever.

And the prospect of that is what scares me--most people I talk to don't understand. I am an extemely self-aware person, my existence is based so much on self-awareness, to imagine losing that is the most frightening possibility.
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Postby kaze » Sun Jan 18, 2004 10:22 pm

One of my biggest fears is that my friend will live and die without ever knowing God.

I'm also scared of loosing my eyes or my right hand...

I don't like spiders either...>.<
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Postby Haibane Shadsie » Sun Jan 18, 2004 10:39 pm

1. Being rejected by God/doing something that would cause him to reject me... exactly as Wiggins said. I had a huge thing with that in the past... I think I'm mostly over it now. God has assured me with verses such as that which Ashley has posted. I go over those things in the Bible whenever this fear crops up. Still, it's a nagging fear sometimes.

2. Being raped. Maybe it has to do with a fear of sexuality. I don't know. It's just something that I'm really afraid of - afraid of the pain, the domination, the total loss of dignity - to be treated in such a way.

3. Blindness. I wear glasses, but I love being able to see.

4. Suicide. This is something that I'm seriously afraid of doing to myself. I'm afraid I will someday, with the emotional states that I get in sometimes. This also ties into two of the fears above. I'm afraid to stand before God having done this. I'm afraid that suicide will mean that he will reject me, as some denominations believe. I also know that... if I got raped right now, that suicide would be the ultimate result. I couldn't bear up under what rape victims go through and survive (at least not now, with how death-obessed and on the verge of suicide I've been lately). There are so many times that I want to die, but decide that I'm not "brave" enough to end my life myself. Then, when I get into a healthier state of mind, I think about how I'm afraid that I might despair/flip out one of these days and actually do that.

Yes, I want to get therapy... having a bit of trouble now do to how the world likes to screw you if you're poor... that, and I am the queen of procrastinators when it comes to things I really don't want to face (I don't really like being analyzed by "professionals" and being in therapy sessions. I just... don't like it).
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Postby Rachel » Mon Jan 19, 2004 1:36 pm

1. any body of water smaller than a pool and sometimes pools. when i was little i had a dream that my mom was washing dishes when sombody came up from behind her, hit her with a frying pan, and then drowned her in the sink. now everytime i have to wash dishes i get a little freaked out
2. dogs. when i was about 7 or 8, i was walking my puppy when he slipped out of his leash and got hit by an ftd van. so now i'm scared of dogs.
3. heighths.
4. losing my faith. i'm really scared that someday this might happen because i don't think that i could live without it, as weak as it is
5. dying without making a difference. i've always wanted to do something that would make a difference and i'm scared that i might die witout accomplishing one of my biggest goals. another of which is being president of the us, but i wouldn't mind if i couldn't do that. there are bigger ways that i could change something.
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Postby Little T-chan » Mon Jan 19, 2004 2:03 pm

I'm scared of
-having nightmares
-bugs and things that look like bugs
-anything to do with bugs
-the dark
-scary movies
-not having friends

I'm not scared of God abandoning me or something bad happening to me. I know God will always love me and watch over me and protect me. I worry over small stuff like what's for dinner. ^^; Remember guys, God loves each and every one of you. And we love you too. ^___________^
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Postby uc pseudonym » Mon Jan 19, 2004 2:15 pm

I fear God, in the proper manner.

Other than that, though: spiders (not that I scream or look uncomfortable, but they do make me uncomfortable and I get the urge to squish them) and heights (not really, but I'm not the type to go running on high ledges without worrying).

Religion-wise, I don't have very many fears (by this point in life [ironic, at my age] I've come to an understanding of God as a instrinsically good being. Due to my somewhat cold mental stance, I can understand Him putting me through extremely bad stuff easily). There is one thing, however, and a big enough one that I'm going to give it a paragraph of its very own (it asked for one last Christmas).

I fear becoming truly and completely evil. To expound, I also fear being convinced out of my faith. These are directly linked; I am the sort to change my actions due to what I believe. If I were not Christian (note: other religions would serve the same function) I would slowly become truly and completely evil. Being as apathetic about people in general as I am, I would have no motivation not to do evil things. I think crime is stupid (low gains for a possibility of huge loss), but I think I might be able to shoot someone and honestly not care. I pray I never find out.
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Postby DrNic » Mon Jan 19, 2004 2:29 pm

Don't laugh but here are my fears:

1.)Small spaces, I get scared in headlocks, dogpiles, those extendable/retractable plasic tunnels you can buy for your kids, caves and (the worst one) COFFINS!

2.)Bugs- especially Moths, Butterflies and Cockroaches. I went to tenerife and was terrified to find the place was crawling with cockroaches!

3.)Growing old - this may sound stupid but its not the fact that I'll be old but that I might become incontinent

4.) Being cut up and or being ripped to shreds - this makes me a little shaky around: unpridictable people with knives, angry looking dogs and splintered wood.

Lucky for me God created adrenalin. It makes being scared fun. ^=^
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Postby kirakira » Mon Jan 19, 2004 6:47 pm

I'm afraid of letting someone down who was really counting on me. I'm afraid my best just won't be good enough. And appearently, I'm afraid that there'll be a big bang, and we'll all turn into cheese. lol *long story*
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Postby Bobtheduck » Mon Jan 19, 2004 7:24 pm

1. My one biggest fear is the "unpardonable sin." On that same topic, one of the chapters in Hebrews always scared me, because it makes it sound like "mess up too bad after you become a Christian and it's over." I know there are different interpretations of that, and I also have Paul, John, Peter, and even Jesus' words (in revelation) to go by, but that certain part of Hebrews has scared me for a long time, to the point I've avoided reading that particular book.

2. The death of loved ones... being left alone... I frequently stated, growing up, that I'd never get married because I didn't want to get to know someone and watch them die... I especially didn't want to see them in Pain, suffering and me not being able to do anything about it. (reading this may ring a bell with anyone who's followed my posts recently) That is my biggest, shall we say, "natural" fear. A fear that I can't counter with logic or study or research...

3. Schizzophrenia... That I'll lose touch with reality.

4. Pain... Living in extreme pain has scared me for a long time. I would much rather die than live for years in pain.

5. Being misunderstood. I fear my own words and actions being used against me out of context.

in no order, the rest of the fears I know about:

Large Dogs
spiders (except for maybe tarantulas)
biting insects
thick fog (unless it's set right, like some really cool pictures I saw of China)
my family falling apart
the freeway (I still don't drive...)
being researched and talked out of my faith
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Postby cbwing0 » Mon Jan 19, 2004 7:52 pm

After reading some of the posts here, I remembered some of the fears that I have/had. Thanks for reminding me that the world is a scary place everybody. :P

1.Spiders-Whenever I see one in my house, I kill it. I would freak out if one landed one me. Fortunately, there are neither spiders nor insects in my dorm room. I don't know how they did it, but there are not bugs. :grin: However, I am not scared of insects for some reason, even the biting/stinging ones, although I do use the same policy: Entering my house=capital punishment. :evil:

2.Brain damage, paralysis, contraction of a debilitating disease-I am afraid of this, although I rarely think about it, and I never think about it in the midst of a situation in which it might actually occur. This has lessened a lot in recent time, as I have moved away from worldly concerns; and thus away from reliance upon transient qualities.

3.Divorce-My parents are divorced, so I am afraid that I will also divorce my wife. I pray that this will not happen. My father was a lapsed Christian at the time my parents were married, and I think that contributed to the eventual divorce. Hopefully I will find a faithful wife, which will increase my chances of marital success.

I will make a thread about the "unpardonable sin" within then next two days, probaby tomorrow for those that are interested about it, or afraid that they have/will commit it.
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Postby Link Antilles » Mon Jan 19, 2004 8:57 pm

Well, fears, eh?
(in no order)

1. Failure. Failing someone or screwing up something important. I hate to do that. Fortunately, God has helped me... so far, so good.
2. Betrayal. A loved one "stabbing you in the back." After the experiences I've been through and I pray it not happen, again.
3. Spiders. Same as Cbwing0.

That's the ones that first come to mind. I'm not really bothered by my fears, it's just life.
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Postby Haibane Shadsie » Mon Jan 19, 2004 10:16 pm

Wow. Am I the only person in this thread NOT scared of spiders?

I think they're cool, especially tarantulas. Maybe this comes from early childhood experience... one of my grandfathers had a pet tarantula when I was very small and I have memories of looking at it in it's tank... I think granddad even took it out and showed it to us kids when I was little....

I kill black widows on sight because they are poisonous and my mother almost died from an allergic reaction to being bitten by one (so she used to tell me), but, now, I even think those things look neat. I kill them for safety's sake if they are in or around the house, but I still think they look cool. Other spiders I tend to leave alone or try to trap in a glass and gently take outside.
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Postby The Grammarian » Tue Jan 20, 2004 12:32 am

I don't really have any religious fears, so far as that goes--I'm in pseudonym's boat in that regard. I do have one big one, though: I'm afraid of rejection (in general as well as with regards to the opposite sex). It's pretty hard for me to get close to people as a result.
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Postby ShiroiHikari » Tue Jan 20, 2004 11:28 am

o_O A lot of you guys are afraid of God stuff...maybe I'm the one that's sick :lol: Just kidding.

Seriously. I'm not afraid of God forsaking me or anything like that because He says He won't.

Right now I'm kind of afraid (have I posted in here already? o.o) that the debt people are gonna come and cart me off to prison o.O
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Postby Shinja » Tue Jan 20, 2004 12:31 pm

i really dont know what im afraid of, i have nightmares alot of the time, but after i get up i feel fine. i dont mind heights unless im right on the edge of somthing, or standing on the top of a ladder, its not the heights that bother me its my clumbsyness. im actully a pilot and im known for standing cessnas on theier wings. wich really freaks people out. :lol: too bad i cant afford to fly anymore.
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Postby Yuna-Tairyl Kc » Tue Jan 20, 2004 1:57 pm

Many people say that fear is just hormones over riding your emotion's

i have fear's and i believe they protect me from harm like
i'm afraid of dark waters and the dark in general
i'm also afraid of being alone but i know i'm not alone,

as long as i have my dreams and god in my heart i have the strength
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