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Postby JediSonic » Sun May 21, 2006 5:02 pm

HELLO, CAA! Wow, I haven't been here in forever! I was just looking over some old posts and-- yeah i miss you guys! :D

Anyway back to the topic. It turns out I'll be moving this summer from Nebraska to Alabama (about 900 miles). It's because my parents want to be closer to my grandparents and because of a job my dad wanted to take, but its very bad news for me personally. I'm pretty much used to the idea at this point having known about it for about 2 months (otherwise this would be in the prayer request forum) but its still a sad situation. In Omaha, NE where I am currently I got involved with a lot of activities, having roles of leadership in a Catholic teen talk show, jazz band, and stuff. Also my school (especially the band) is awesome and I'll miss it.

Anyway it suddenly occured to me that I should post here for two reasons: the CAA is the closest thing I have to a group of friends that I wont be moving away from, and since a lot of members are more experienced than I am and christian(!) they might have something to say!

So basically my question is have any of you been in a similar situation (moving during highschool [I'll be a junior next year]), know someone who has, have any advice or words of encouragement for me, or could even just say a prayer. Any of the above would be awesome! Thanks :thumb:
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Postby Sammy Boy » Mon May 22, 2006 3:03 am

Well .. I know it's sad that you will be leaving your friends behind...

But there will be other people who need you in Alabama too, I think. Perhaps you will find another purpose when you get there, God doesn't waste his human resources. :)
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Postby mitsuki lover » Mon May 22, 2006 11:27 am

Yeah,we moved twice when I was in high school.The first time was when I was just starting my Sophmore year and we went from Idaho to Alaska.The second time was just before I started my Senior year and we went from Alaska to Washington state.
Depending on your interests and the size of school you find yourself in it may or may not take too long to get used to your new surroundings.
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