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Postby Kaligraphic » Wed May 24, 2006 12:30 pm

Mithrandir wrote:I really hope that should read "I'm a dental assistant and a (bookseller at Borders.)" and not, "I'm a (dental assistant and a bookseller) at Borders."

Hey, the associative axiom still holds, right? Same thing?

I mean, what with the way a lot of companies are paring down benefits these days...
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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Wed May 24, 2006 3:59 pm

WOOT! Guess who's a new representative for Zellers??!! Yeah I got that job! ^^
Can I hear a "YATTA"?! I do cash training and stuff tomorrow^^

Heh, either than people like Lizard Queen, that WOULD know what a Zellers is, do they even have them in America?
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Postby Mithrandir » Wed May 24, 2006 6:31 pm

*is confused*

I don't know what Zellers is, but that doesn't mean we don't have them here. ;) What is it?
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Postby agasfas » Wed May 24, 2006 6:41 pm

I currentlly work at a local grocery store doing a variety of things:
I work at customer service: for people who pay utility bills(water, electic, gas,cable, phone), returns/exchanges, ticketmaster... blah blah blah
- I am also a cashier, bagger, cart getter and occasionally work the HEB Gas Station.

I plan on being there until I graduate... probably another 2 more years or so...
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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Wed May 24, 2006 6:51 pm

[quote="Mithrandir"]*is confused*

I don't know what Zellers is, but that doesn't mean we don't have them here. ]

Oh you'd know what it is if you had it. It's basically a Walmart that orginated in Canada. Thoguht I heard somewhere that Zellers started to show up in America, but it was probably something else... Safeway maybe? Hmmm *shrugs*. But basically in this town, our Zellers is downtown and sort of the "ghetto Walmart" that not TOO many people go too^^ Meh minimum wage is minimum wage^^
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Postby dragonshimmer » Fri May 26, 2006 7:50 pm

meboeck wrote:I work at the airport! I help all the Southwest Airlines people at the ticket counter.

*hiss* Dueling airlines ;) Hullo, fellow airporty.

I work for AirTran Airways. I work in special service reservations, mainly dealing with government bookings, corporate bookings, promotional bookings and people-who-spend-thousands-of-dollars-a-month-flying-with-us-booking. AKA I'm the person people call and yell at...and I'm my own supervisor for the most part. It was stressful at first, but now it's mostly amusing. Forget that, though. I'm just there for the flying benefits. Oh, yeah.
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Postby Linksquest » Fri May 26, 2006 8:24 pm

dragonshimmer wrote: I'm just there for the flying benefits. Oh, yeah.

:lol:. So do you travel a lot from place to place, using your flying benefits?


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Postby Ingemar » Fri May 26, 2006 8:32 pm

I am currently jobless. But!

--I may become a lab assisstant. The job entails preparing solutions and restocking the food supply of Drosophila. Kinda low paying, but I'd rather have this job than:

--being a security guard. The pay is better, but the hours are--AAAARGH. I think I have a better chance of getting this job. All I have to do is go to one 8-hr. long training session and get uniform and powers to arrest XD. However, I have to shell out $137 for a "guard card." Not a scam apparently, since all other security companies require you to have it. (And if you quit one, you can use the same card to apply to another).
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Postby the_lizardqueen » Fri May 26, 2006 8:40 pm

tenshi no ai wrote: Heh, either than people like Lizard Queen, that WOULD know what a Zellers is, do they even have them in America?

Woot! Zellers! I think they have much prettier jewelery than Wal-mart ^_~
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Postby carneman » Fri May 26, 2006 9:00 pm

i just got a job selling fireworks YAY!

*laughs evilly*
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Postby Wave » Fri May 26, 2006 9:24 pm

When I'm not going to school I work full time at Wal-Mart.

As to what I do exatly, that hard to say. Any ginve day I could do any thing from asemble bikes to chang bateres in a emergency lighting fistor to mop raw sewige off the bathroom floor. It's a job.

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Postby dragonshimmer » Sat May 27, 2006 8:45 am

Linksquest wrote::lol:. So do you travel a lot from place to place, using your flying benefits?

In two weeks, I'm going to start having weekends off. So, that's about to be a big yes >8D
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Postby Jaltus-bot » Sun May 28, 2006 1:05 am

I currently work at Panera and do cashiering and dining room service.
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