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shoppers unite!

Postby Tenshi no Ai » Sun May 28, 2006 4:26 pm

Alright, who here actually LIKES to shop? ^^ For me, yeah, there's the days when I don't really feel like it but it can be fun^^ I do DISPISE trying on clothes though :/ It's boring and just yeah :/ Sometimes it has to be done and all but yeah...

Although I can be a girly-nerd when it comes to this: I like shopping at different places, places like EB Games and stuff can be fun to shop at too^^ (although with the 98% of male customers in there, it can intimidate me :/)

So who here can like to shop like around malls, or even a Walmart! And guys, don't be shy to admit that you do (if you do, that is). I only really know of maybe ONE guy that likes to shop, and he doesn't do the "shop like a girl and go into all the stores that looks interesting" sort of thing. Methinks that's only thing ONLY girls can do with one another^^ (Well, that and go to the washroom in groups^^)
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Postby Syreth » Sun May 28, 2006 5:18 pm

I enjoy shoping for things that I'm interested in. I also enjoy being with friends while they shop for awhile, but one thing I can't stand is being with my mom while she shops for things I'm completely uninterested in. Especially when she's not planning on buying anything. But I haven't done that in awhile, thankfully. XD
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Sun May 28, 2006 5:21 pm

I like to shop! I love shopping for clothes (though it's a hassle when I'm not in the mood, haha), and I love shopping at bookstores and places like Best Buy and EB Games, too (as long as I have money). XD I don't like to shop when I don't have money, because to me, the point of shopping is buying! XD
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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Sun May 28, 2006 5:25 pm

Syreth wrote: but one thing I can't stand is being with my mom while she shops for things I'm completely uninterested in. Especially when she's not planning on buying anything. But I haven't done that in awhile, thankfully. XD

Heh, the thought of a 21 old still shopping with his mom...
But yeah it's no fun when shopping with moms, and she goes to them "old ladies" stores :/ It's just no fun...

Radical Dreamer wrote: I don't like to shop when I don't have money, because to me, the point of shopping is buying! XD

Yeah it totally ruins the shopping experience :/ But I WILL go to a store and see if something is there to keep in mind WHEN I have money (and if I'm lucky, the item will still be there when I go back^^)
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Postby Syreth » Sun May 28, 2006 5:33 pm

Tenshi no Ai wrote:But I WILL go to a store and see if something is there to keep in mind WHEN I have money (and if I'm lucky, the item will still be there when I go back^^)

I guess that's tolerable. I've done that as a passtime when accompanying people while they're shopping. I hardly ever end up actually going back and buying it though. Hmm... actually I did end up buying the first volume of Hellsing that way.
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Postby Kawaiikneko » Sun May 28, 2006 6:38 pm

I like trying on clothes when I'm with my friends, otherwise its just.. a necessity I guess. I love shopping in bookstores! The best is when I have a long period of time and I can grab some starbucks and pull a sit and read ^^

Oh you know what else is fun? There's a makeup store in one of the malls where I live and they have all this really expensive perfume. Me and my friends go in and get samples, and if we ask the right lady she gives like... a whole vial of it XD yup.. So you smell all the perfume and then ask for a few samples, and you can just see in their eyes that they want you to leave.

And trying on really expensive clothes is fun too, even though its depressing when you can't buy it.
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Postby RobinSena » Sun May 28, 2006 6:53 pm

Shopping can be cool.. Or just going around browsing with no availible cash.. :grin:
Thrift stores are sweet, like Salvation Army and the like.. Those are the best places to get Atari 2600 systems/cartridges.. :jump:
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Postby RubyJewelStone » Sun May 28, 2006 8:25 pm

I love to shop I just never have money.

Trying on clothes can either be annoying or fun.
One time I was in the kids section of JCPenney with my cousin and I had to nerve to try on this jean outfit and almost got stuck in it. My cuz had to help pry me out... :sweat:

I don't like the Coach store. I so much as LOOKED inside and the clerk gave me a chilling look. It's like he could sense my broke-ness...
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Postby KBMaster » Mon May 29, 2006 6:05 am

I like to shop sometimes. If I have money, it's fun. If not, then I just go to get out of the house. :P
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Postby Sai » Mon May 29, 2006 6:17 am

I like to shop a bit. I like going to bookstores, EB games, Circuit City, best buy. I like clothes shopping when I am shopping for me.
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Postby FaerieChica » Mon May 29, 2006 7:41 am

I think it's a consensus; noone likes to shop unless they have money. It's even better when it's other people's money ;) I like shopping, but only if I can find stuff. Shopping for books is always fun, since I love to read. Trying on clothes is a hassle.
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Postby Warrior4Christ » Tue May 30, 2006 5:12 am

I usually think of myself as a non-shopper - then I realised that I love going to Jaycar (it's like the ultimate (or almost ultimate) tech store). I'm like a kid in a candy store there...
I always walk in there knowing what I'll buy, but I'll spend about 20 minutes browsing anyway...
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Postby Maledicte » Tue May 30, 2006 5:54 pm

Ha, I love shopping. I just know how to pull the reins on my compulsions. Often, I go to a store, look at all the stuff, yet never buy anything. I come up with lists and stuff so I know what I want to buy.

Stores I like:
-Borders/ Barnes and Noble
-Best Buy/ DVD planet
-Anime/ Comic stores
-Thrift shops
-clearance racks everywhere
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Postby Rogie » Tue May 30, 2006 6:29 pm

Considering that I moved into an apartment complex right behind a mall (because that was a plus for me), I would say that I'm a guy who enjoys shopping. However, I only tend to go to the same stores when shopping alone. It's pretty much the bookstores, game stores, and Old Navy, plus the electronic stores and record stores every now and then. Otherwise, I only go in other stores when I'm with friends and I rarely buy; just enjoy the browsing with friends aspect.

Get me in a bookstore and I never leave, though.
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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Tue May 30, 2006 6:55 pm

Rogie wrote:Get me in a bookstore and I never leave, though.

Bookstores: probably the only store where you can "sample" things (at least for a short while) without getting in trouble... wish we had manga cafes here though :/ I'd SO take advantage!
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Postby TriezGamer » Tue May 30, 2006 7:14 pm

I love shopping if I actually have money to spend. If I'm broke, I can't stand being around stuff that I want.
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