Postby Bobtheduck » Mon May 29, 2006 2:30 am
As proof that people change their minds, I sorta dropped my "living off 10%" thing.. Now, without anything else, i'd use a billion for 20 projects... Some movie, some game. A 50 million dollar game would be bigger than a Final Fantasy project, or more recent things like halo (I think FF8 was 20 mil, and Halo 2 was 40 mil...) I'd so totally do that... 5 games and 15 movies... Maybe even fewer than that, and more money for each project.
I could see using a billion to sponsor students... Film, writing, game art, game programming... Get Christians in the arts and media.
I'd build a better orphanage for Ganta, and handpicked people to help (one by one, help a person out of their mess, not just distributing socialist style, which doesn't actually help anyone...)with a billion.
I'd use a billion to support all of my missionary friends... Throw in some usefull, albeit unnecissary things, too (3?" HDTV and PS3 for all! I mean, come on, it'd be usefull and it'd represent! hahaha)
A billion to create a documentary group...
A billion to create a Christian media school... Video Game development and art, film, recording, Television, stage... It'd be a Christian version of Full Sail. Non-profit, too.
A billion to create a mirror school in Japan... I would want to see Japanese christians in Media in Japan...
The last billion would be for me, I guess... I'd get a decent house in Japan (houses are hard to come by in Japan, from what I hear, and they're usually very small and expensive) I'd get a scion XB and... Some truck... I don't care, really, I'd hopefully have a wife to decide what truck... I'd get my dream collection of games (NES, SNES, PS1, PS2, Gameboy, GBA, PSP, DS, PS3, Wii... Maybe a few on Genesis, and a Neo Geo arcade system with all the KoF games and some other games just for when friends come over... Maybe even a Naomi, if I can find any good games for it...) and my dream collection of movies, and a hotel... It'd be so that there'd be people there all the time, but it would be my house... Always open to friends, but cheap rooms for rent for anyone who wanted to, as well... Friends can stay for long periods, and I could host missionaries and pastors and whatever else, too... It'd have a restaurant (no more expensive, say, than dennies, since I'd be funding it with my billion dollars) a gym, and an arcade... DDR, Neo Geo, and some new novelty Japanese Arcade machines... And a small theater! Dude... It'd be so awesome... Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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