Mr. SmartyPants wrote:What's fasion? (:lol:)
Tenshi no Ai wrote:Gotta get this outta my system^^
So I was shopping today had another little spree and got some shoes and stuff (I... like... shoes... yay DC and Ettnies^^) but the 2 items of clothing I've been looking for all over I still can't find: female boarder shorts, and long, thin t-shirts that are NOT low-cut at the neck line :/ Simple right? WRONG! As far as the fashion industry is concerned, I guess they are "out of style". Yeah they sold GREAT last year, but with their stupid experimentations to try to make new fads and all, they don't even SELL them anymore >_<.... Mads me very mad... the cashiers were saying how the 80's is back in and all ( that another sign of the apocalpse??) and oy.... I jut disslike the new clothes they have out now (everything's layered...) and the stuff I actually WANT, they don't sell!!!! -_-' me so frustrated... at least the stuff I wanted were modest-wear, being nice and long to cover (unlike... some girl's fashion :/) But I'm just upset v_v...
To sum this up: I hate the fact that the fashion industry is what controls what we "want" and have to wear :/ he stuff I want just isn't "in" anymore (although tons of people still wear them! *sigh* Something I'll never understand...
TriezGamer wrote:You could always opt for "wearing what you feel like, regardless of fashion trends".
ikimasu wrote:Ah, sounds like Savers/Goodwill/The Salvation Army (Thrift Stores, I believe they are called) could be your new best freinds. They often have cool, non-"in crowd" clothing. Also used/Vintage clothing stores are great.
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