GAH! fashion STINKS! >_< *rant time!*

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GAH! fashion STINKS! >_< *rant time!*

Postby Tenshi no Ai » Sat Jun 03, 2006 2:46 pm

Gotta get this outta my system^^

So I was shopping today had another little spree and got some shoes and stuff (I... like... shoes... yay DC and Ettnies^^) but the 2 items of clothing I've been looking for all over I still can't find: female boarder shorts, and long, thin t-shirts that are NOT low-cut at the neck line :/ Simple right? WRONG! As far as the fashion industry is concerned, I guess they are "out of style". Yeah they sold GREAT last year, but with their stupid experimentations to try to make new fads and all, they don't even SELL them anymore >_<.... Mads me very mad... the cashiers were saying how the 80's is back in and all ( that another sign of the apocalpse??) and oy.... I jut disslike the new clothes they have out now (everything's layered...) and the stuff I actually WANT, they don't sell!!!! -_-' me so frustrated... at least the stuff I wanted were modest-wear, being nice and long to cover (unlike... some girl's fashion :/) But I'm just upset v_v...

To sum this up: I hate the fact that the fashion industry is what controls what we "want" and have to wear :/ he stuff I want just isn't "in" anymore (although tons of people still wear them! *sigh* Something I'll never understand...
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Sat Jun 03, 2006 2:48 pm

What's fasion? (:lol: )

I don't care for fashion, but I can understand when you can't buy a certain type of outfit that's considered "outdated"

try a thriftstore?
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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Sat Jun 03, 2006 2:51 pm

Mr. SmartyPants wrote:What's fasion? (:lol:)

My definition of fashion: if I see it and like it, I get it. :/ It's that simple. I'm not a consumer leech* (*toned-down some from the actually phrase^^) I actually had a friend and if it's in, he's getting it :/ Sort of annoying because it takes away from being a unique individual in a sense? "Every person in school wears it, so I will too!" Besides, if something is concidered "outdated" I usually won't wear just simply cause i don't like it^^

*sigh* So hard to keep up with the stands of Now....
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Postby Linksquest » Sat Jun 03, 2006 3:01 pm

Fashion changes way too much for me to keep with up with it. I don't really care what's "in style!" :lol: ...


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Postby Sai » Sat Jun 03, 2006 6:34 pm

I agree... Fashion blows. I can rarely find what I want in stock in stores since fashion changes every yr.
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Postby Ouroboros » Sat Jun 03, 2006 6:50 pm

lol Tenshi if you'd like some more modest clothing I recommend discount stores and the like. Although in alot of places in Port it's hard to find modest stuff that covers you... especially if you're in the smaller sizes... (like me >_<)
There's also the option I've been thinking of... getting a sewing machine and making my own clothing, seeing as I either favour the maturish stuff or EGL... See my problem is I prefer the overseas stuff... pretty and it fits me better
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Postby Puritan » Sat Jun 03, 2006 6:51 pm

I can understand your problems, female fashions seem to change constantly. I have no idea why, as most women I know don't change the types of things they wear THAT often. Fortunately basic male fashion stays moderately constant, while male formal wear hasn't changed in over 50 years. However, even the minor changes in male fashions can cause problems, it's hard for me to find shorts and pants that fit when fashions get shorter.
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Sat Jun 03, 2006 6:53 pm

which is why Goodwill is my friend! *thumb*
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Postby the_lizardqueen » Sat Jun 03, 2006 7:39 pm

I must agree that there is a major shortage in terms of decent length shorts and capris that are *not* skin tight.

Low necklines don't bug me so much though, but low backlines do, oddly enough O_o
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Postby Mangafanatic » Sat Jun 03, 2006 7:57 pm

Tenshi no Ai wrote:Gotta get this outta my system^^

So I was shopping today had another little spree and got some shoes and stuff (I... like... shoes... yay DC and Ettnies^^) but the 2 items of clothing I've been looking for all over I still can't find: female boarder shorts, and long, thin t-shirts that are NOT low-cut at the neck line :/ Simple right? WRONG! As far as the fashion industry is concerned, I guess they are "out of style". Yeah they sold GREAT last year, but with their stupid experimentations to try to make new fads and all, they don't even SELL them anymore >_<.... Mads me very mad... the cashiers were saying how the 80's is back in and all ( that another sign of the apocalpse??) and oy.... I jut disslike the new clothes they have out now (everything's layered...) and the stuff I actually WANT, they don't sell!!!! -_-' me so frustrated... at least the stuff I wanted were modest-wear, being nice and long to cover (unlike... some girl's fashion :/) But I'm just upset v_v...

To sum this up: I hate the fact that the fashion industry is what controls what we "want" and have to wear :/ he stuff I want just isn't "in" anymore (although tons of people still wear them! *sigh* Something I'll never understand...

Oh, girl, there's this thing called the undershirt. It's God's gift to [wo]man kind. For real, I just go out and buy these long shirts, no matter how low cut, and put a high necked shirt/cami under neath it. It is hot? Sometimes. Is it annoying to have to wear two shirts? Pretty much, but it's totally worth it.

On the flip side, there are decent shorts out there to be had. That's got to counter act some of the terrible-ness of girl's tops.
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Postby Uriah » Sat Jun 03, 2006 8:10 pm

*Finds various fashon industries CEOs' and makes them eat their clothing*
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Postby Maledicte » Sat Jun 03, 2006 10:32 pm

Well, at least the skirts have gotten longer. Thank God for that.
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Postby Cognitive Gear » Sat Jun 03, 2006 10:47 pm

Hehe. And now I remeber why I am learning to sew. Making my own shirts, modifying my clothes and shoes is fun and gets tons of compliments! ^_^
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Postby TriezGamer » Sat Jun 03, 2006 11:19 pm

You could always opt for "wearing what you feel like, regardless of fashion trends".

Of course, this sometimes comes at the cost of friendship because you're no longer in the "in-crowd" of fashion, but ... *shrug*

I tend to find women more attractive when they aren't conforming to the crowd-mentality.
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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Sat Jun 03, 2006 11:27 pm

TriezGamer wrote:You could always opt for "wearing what you feel like, regardless of fashion trends".

Well I was trying to find the stuff I like, BUT since they decided not to SELL it anymore >_< Gah, the 80s should go back into a deep and dusty closet, where it came from. Their fashion is taking over, and I disslike some of that "in" stuff. I'm just not a fan of them slip-on shoes etc... those seem to be in every store now :/
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Postby Cognitive Gear » Sat Jun 03, 2006 11:59 pm

Ah, sounds like Savers/Goodwill/The Salvation Army (Thrift Stores, I believe they are called) could be your new best freinds. They often have cool, non-"in crowd" clothing. Also used/Vintage clothing stores are great. :)
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Postby Maledicte » Sun Jun 04, 2006 12:39 am

I wholly recommend thrift stores. For one thing, you get older stuff--stuff that was trendy back then, or at least the kinds of clothing you're still accustomed to. Second, it's cheap. Third, you get some really awesome finds, and they become like best-friend clothing--I have a jacket I got for $4 at a thrift store, it looks like something from the seventies (it probably isn't) and it's the comfyest and coolest cord jacket ever made. :)
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Postby Warrior4Christ » Sun Jun 04, 2006 6:33 am

ikimasu wrote:Ah, sounds like Savers/Goodwill/The Salvation Army (Thrift Stores, I believe they are called) could be your new best freinds. They often have cool, non-"in crowd" clothing. Also used/Vintage clothing stores are great. :)

We call them 'op-shops' here. It is considered cool to shop there in some crowds though...
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Postby the_lizardqueen » Sun Jun 04, 2006 10:32 am

*would hug her local salvation army and consignment shops, if only it was possible to hug a building without looking like a crazy person*

Alot of times you really have to dig to find nice clothing at thrift stores, but I can typically dig out one or two cool items during the average trip. I think it makes things all the more satisfying when you find a really spiffy almost brand new top at the sally ann, it's similar to winning the lottery, give or take ^^;

Plus the women's sections tend to change over so quickly, since our gender is especially prone to growing bored with clothing and buying stuff that soon turns out to be the wrong size.
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Postby soul alive » Sun Jun 04, 2006 10:42 am

I feel your pain. Last year it was easy to find full length or capri khaki pants, and now, at stores that carry seasonal trends, it is next to impossible to find normal looking khaki pants/capris. Frustrated the heck out of me, since I had needed them for my work uniform. Now, I need black, so the search begins again. *sigh of disgust*

I have to say, 80s fashion should be left in the decade it came from. I've tried on the so-called new 80s stuff, and it looks horrific on me. If this trend continues long, the thrift store will be my new best friend, as all my clothing is getting old and falling apart. ^^;;; heh. I may need new clothing, but I refuse to buy 'fashions' I don't like just because they're the only thing the store carries.

I shake my fist in the general direction of the fashion world.


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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Sun Jun 04, 2006 2:36 pm

With all the talk of consignment stores, talked to my friend about all this and she suggested Winners! It's a possibility... leftover stock, I'm sure to find something^^ Although, Winners seems to hate me v_v It's ultra violet (heh misstyped it as "violent") lights irratate my vision, and I can NEVER seem to find anything good in the woman's/girl's section :/ Seriously, it's like either sporty stuff, or old woman stuff there when I go :/ My guy friends had an easy time finding stuff in there! Although, I did find a nice pair of shoes^^ But that's beside the point... think maybe I'll go brosing in there. But, it just annoys me that it's one store you have to DIG through the clothes, since every one is different :/ *sigh*...
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Postby ShiroiHikari » Sun Jun 04, 2006 3:07 pm

The fashion is probably the only thing from the 80s that I'm not nostalgic about. It should stay away.

Yeah, trying to find something specific at clothing stores never works out. It took me forever to find a pair of black pants for my job, too. >_<

Stores like Ross are fun to shop at, things are cheaper there (though not necessarily as cheap as I'd like sometimes). It just takes a lot of time and patience to find stuff, especially if you wear "plus sizes" like I do :\ 16 shouldn't be a freakin' plus size...
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Sun Jun 04, 2006 5:39 pm

Yes! Those leftover stores rock! Like Marshalls and stuff. Those places are good
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Postby Phantom_Sorano » Sun Jun 04, 2006 6:19 pm

Where I'm from, we don't no a thing about fashion....our designer clothes come from Wal-Mart.
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Postby Sephiroth » Mon Jun 05, 2006 3:34 am

i know how ya feel, well kinda. last time i was looking for a new couple of pairs of baggy jeans it like took me ages to find decent looking sets taht were in my size and baggy enough. i used to be able to walk in & thered be like about 5 different styles of em that were descent.
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Postby Doubleshadow » Mon Jun 05, 2006 5:04 am

Ugh. Fashion. I have a personal style and buy what pieces match that. When my personal fashion is out of style, its a pain to try to find new clothes when my old ones wear out.
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