To whom it may concern:
I am a Christian and a relatively large fan of anime. While I have found articles in your magazine to be helpful in judging the content in media, I recently read an article on your website that I had a very hard time fully agreeing with. The article was titled "Manga and Anime: Inside Japan's Hottest Exports." While I agree with and appreciate your efforts to warn parents about the darker side of anime, I found the article to be quite biased against anime, as it only gave the negative views on anime and manga. The few anime that you mentioned in the article were certainly some of the more violent and fanservicey anime in existence today. There are plenty of other anime that display good morals and the like without the fanservicey or violent aspects that the anime you mentioned.
I would greatly appreciate it if you would write a positive article on anime--one that shows parents that it truly isn't all bad, that gives some examples of good, clean anime for anyone to watch. The article I read on your website would undoubtedly turn many parents and their children away from the idea of anime as a whole, as it didn't seem to mention any of the positive aspects of anime or manga. As a member of both and (a far more active member) of, I would like to suggest that, if you choose to write this article, you mention the anime and manga reviews at, in order to point both parents and their children in the right direction to finding a good, clean anime. I would also like to suggest that you attempt to interview Christian voice actors for anime, such as Vic Mignogna (of DNAngel and FullMetal Alchemist fame) and Johnny Yong Bosch (of Trigun).
I truly hope you choose to write this article, and I hope your magazine continues to sell well.
God Bless,
Corrie, a concerned anime fan
Keely wrote:That is essentially what they have done and it damages my credibility as a witness at the conventions that I speak at.
It is entirely unacceptable for a Christian publication to create a situation like this that could - potentially – keep even ONE person from opening their heart to God. If this creates a roadblock that would otherwise have not been there for even one soul…it’s a horrible travesty...
mechana2015 wrote:I have yet to see a youth group all talk about the message in the church hallways right after church.
Keely wrote:Ok, this article ( angered me enough to send the following letter to PluggedIn:
Tell me your thoughts! Ashley, if you'd be interested in helping with an article like this perhaps you should send them a letter as well. I can give you the contact info I found.[/url]
Response from Plugged In wrote:We appreciate your taking the time to share your concerns regarding this article on anime. We’re certain our editors will be interested in your remarks, and with that in mind we will be happy to forward your message to their attention. We assure you it will receive a careful reading. After all, feedback like yours serves to enhance the quality and relevance of our publications, and to that end we're thankful for your input.
mechana2015 wrote:thanks Keely! This is the exact reason I asked, since I can be a bit too blunt at times, especially in areas that I feel strongly about. Would you mind if I PMed you the letter or somthing before I E-mail it? (when I get around to writing it, that is).
Dear Editor(s):
Upon reading one of the articles on the pluggedin website titled: "Manga & Anime: Inside Japan's Hottest Exports" (URL Here: I was quite discouraged by the content of your article.
I do agree anime and manga has some objectionable content, but the article does not mention anything positive about it. Anime is a medium, a subgenre. You cannot group every anime title together into one the "immoral media" section. (Or so to speak) Dispite the amount of objectionable content in anime, there are a large number of titles that are not objectionable. Since anime is a medium of entertainment, and people being entertained in different ways, anime has a wide variety of styles and context.
For example, Paranoia Agent, a 13 episode series (and one of my favorites) is a chilling psychological tale about a boy on rollerblades that attacks people. But that is only the outer appearance. In truth, Paranoia Agent has a moral message; to take responsibility of your own actions and to not let go of reality. Another popular title Full Metal Alchemist, is another title that has an excellent moral meaning as well; the meaning of brotherly love (Didn't Christ teach that in the Gospels?) and the extent someone will go through to atone their sins. Did I also mention that Vic Mignonga, the voice actor for the main character in Full Metal Alchemist is a geniune Christian? I have met him personally once and even chatted with him over the internet. He is most definately a geniune Christian. He even leads the worship group in his church. (Somewhere in Texas. For your convenience I have attached an open interview the folks at had with Vic Mignonga. His username is fullmetalvic. There are some key parts of that interview that are worth the read. In both .txt and Document format for your convenience)
Anime is also an extrodinary way for Christians to reach out to those in need of Christ. In my experience, I have seen this work. Let's be honest. A Christian who's hobby loves to sail will not effectively reach out to a Nonchristian that is a car enthusiast and hates sailing. On the flipside, you have a Nonchristian car enthusiast with a Christian car enthusiast; something good is more likely to take place. Hobbies are what bind people together in social interaction. I have a deeper bond with my friends who enjoy the same thigns I enjoy more than the people who do not enjoy what I enjoy. It's just how everything goes. It's how God made things.
There are many websites that promote both Christianity and Anime. Such as and Both which I am a member of. has a wonderful feature that has a selection of Anime and Manga Reviews from a Christian perspective. Perhaps you should check those out? You can find them here:
Not to be nit picky, but this part of the article bothered me greatly
"It’s not unusual to find teens in church hallways chattering more excitedly over each other’s artwork than about what happened in youth group."
Is that wrong to do? Let's be serious, there are adults that don't talk about the message after a church service. People talk about their hobbies after church services, is that wrong? Isn't that what fellowship is? I don't understand how talking about anime makes fellowship an immoral thing.
I simply wish that the editors at pluggedin be more open minded about such things. Perhaps write an article explaining the good that can come from Anime. Or maybe perhaps schedule an internvew with some Christians whose work is anime. Such as Vic Mignonga, Luci Christian, Steve Blum, or Johnny Yong Bosh.
Sincerely and God Bless,
Ryan: A Christian Anime Fan.
Mr. Smartypants wrote:Not to be nit picky, but this part of the article bothered me greatly
"It’s not unusual to find teens in church hallways chattering more excitedly over each other’s artwork than about what happened in youth group."
Is that wrong to do? Let's be serious, there are adults that don't talk about the message after a church service. People talk about their hobbies after church services, is that wrong? Isn't that what fellowship is? I don't understand how talking about anime makes fellowship an immoral thing.
I simply wish that the editors at pluggedin be more open minded about such things. Perhaps write an article explaining the good that can come from Anime. Or maybe perhaps schedule an internvew with some Christians whose work is anime. Such as Vic Mignonga, Luci Christian, Steve Blum, or Johnny Yong Bosh.
Sincerely and God Bless,
Ryan: A Christian Anime Fan.
Hobbies are what bind people together in social interaction. I have a deeper bond with my friends who enjoy the same thigns I enjoy more than the people who do not enjoy what I enjoy. It's just how everything goes. It's how God made things.
Mr. SmartyPants wrote:Keely, I too sent a letter to them
Bobtheduck wrote:No offense, MSP, but getting FotF to extract positive meaning from something super violent (short of Passion of the Christ, and even that they had problems with) is going to be a fruitless exercise... They view the violent content itself as sinfull and dangerous, hence where I clash with them... For instance, Plugged-In's review on To End All Wars made me so angry, I can't even begin to say. I want to be a crew member or extra or actor in the next R rated movie that David Cunningham does, JUST so that I'll know they were partly referring to me in their rediculous review... Hehe... Well, that, and to be able to meet one of my favorite directors.
I have a feeling that if my writing (or eventually games) ever get popular, and FotF is still around, I'll be getting a lot of flak for what I make. Which will be great, because I'll talk to them personally about it, doing what David Cunninham never did which is defend his excelent work to his fellow Christians, particularly a very influential group like FotF... It's unfair to have his work maligned and he probably doesn't even know about it (since his views on entertainment are obviously different than theirs, he may have been able to anticipate their response) so he has no say in the matter and his name is dragged through the mud for a lot of Christians...
Mr. SmartyPants wrote:Uhm... what??? O.o Since when did I speak of mass violence?
Bobtheduck wrote:Paranoia Agent = Very violent and such...
FotF = "Violence, even portrayed in fiction or retelling, is teh evil"
MSP = Check out good things about Paranoia Agent (very violent)!
MSP = Doing useless exercise.
See? Trying to use a super-violent anime as an example of how anime can be good, when FotF views violence in visual media as evil, is a useless exercise. It would be better starting off tackling one problem at a time. Either their stance on violence in fiction (or in retelling), or their stance on anime... For the latter, it would be best to use a less threatening anime than Paranoia agent.
Kawaiikneko wrote:It's an adult show, but since its animation its hard for people to get their minds around that.
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