EEP! Sorry for the delay in posting the results! Well, I've studied each and every one of the entries, agonized about it a bunch and even sought out one or two outside opinions. And the results of the August Coloring Contest are...
For 'Best Technical'
RubyJewelStone's entry had excellent use of contrasting colour schemes and very realistic shading. The fire and ice concept was extremely cool too (or should it be 'hot'? hotcool?)
For 'Most Creative'
Radical Dreamer!
Radical Dreamer did a great job of establishing an environment for her figure and all of the details in her version are quite astounding
I'd also like to mention that Photosoph's entry was definitely neck-in-neck for the Technical award. Meboeck and ChristianRonin's entries were also super creative and Vernhal's was really well executed. All of you artsy CAA types keep making this contest trickier and trickier to judge ^_~
Thank you so much to everyone that entered!
It's always so great to see so much creativity at work and I was so happy to see so many new faces

[color="lightgreen"]"There is an art, or rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss."
-The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy[/color]