Da Rabid Duckie, concerning Gypsy wrote:Gypsy doesn't realize this, but she's ditching whomever she's with and we're getting married. Uh huh. Yeah. Lil bro Zilch can be the best man, it'll be an explosive ceremony. Everyone is invited! We'll serve poutine at the reception, Straylight can DJ, and Shatterheart can start a mosh pit!
Hey... she said it... :pGypsy, in acceptance wrote:Explosives and poutine? Alright!
Da Rabid Duckie wrote:This is probably going o alienate me from 80% of the people on this forum (hopefully not), but I not only beleive in casting out demons and other spirits, I've participated in it. I know that it's very dangerous, and its not something that people weak in their faiths should attempt to do (I learned that the hard way). I know I won't be doing as such for a very long time, unless the Lord bid me to do so, of course....
It is true that you don't have to be a "special Christian" to cast out demons in His name. But you do have to have exceptional faith:
Then the disciples came to Jesus in private and asked, "Why couldn't we drive it out?" He replied, "Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you. But this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting." (Matthew 17:19-21)
Saint Kevin wrote:Yep, Jesus cast out demons and gave us the authority to do so in his name. That's pretty much all there is to it. I'm not saying an exorcism is easy, but I don't think it needs to be surrounded by a whole bunch of pomp and ritual. That could give the impression that one need to be a particularly special Christian to cast out demons (Or that one needs a priest or church to do it for them). I just don't believe that is the case.
Therefore, the only person who could cast a demon out of a mute man was Messiah.
Da Rabid Duckie, concerning Gypsy wrote:Gypsy doesn't realize this, but she's ditching whomever she's with and we're getting married. Uh huh. Yeah. Lil bro Zilch can be the best man, it'll be an explosive ceremony. Everyone is invited! We'll serve poutine at the reception, Straylight can DJ, and Shatterheart can start a mosh pit!
Hey... she said it... :pGypsy, in acceptance wrote:Explosives and poutine? Alright!
I was born and raised catholic and I just wanted to find out if the christian domination do exorcisms. cause a freind told me that they didn't belive that a demon could not posess a human being (and yes his not an atheist).
just wondering if it is true.
That is VERY interesting. Many people deny that you need to know their names and even say it's a sin to talk to it or try to find out it's name, even if Jesus DID ask for the names of the demons ("Legion" comes to mind.) The reasoning is that "Jesus could do it because he was God." *rolls eyes* All I have to say is "These things and Greater will you do."
Saint Kevin wrote: Many Christians believe that the elect (wrong word don't want to start a debate), that Christians cannot be possessed by evil spirits because they are already indwelt by the Holy Spirit.
FireStarter2003 wrote:Having said that, allow me to propose the following: while our spirits are the property of Jesus Christ, and are indwelt by the Spirit of God, the enemy cannot have a claim to that. However, Christians can be oppressed, vexed, or even demonized, in the soulish and bodily arena.
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