Wingzero22 wrote:Well, Vic Mignogna, who does the english voice of Ed and Caitlin Glass, who did the english voice for Winry are christians.
If that once staying would have bug them, I think we would have heard about it.
Tenshi no Ai wrote:Pride? Well, I'm only in the middle of the series, but I DO know they have characters names after the Seven Deadly Sins. Like Guttony, Envy, Greed Lust, Pride, and I forget the other 2^^
As for it being "safe" is all up to personal opinion of what types of anime you watch. Every Christian has a different "safe" list. Some can watch shows that involve stuff like magic/alchemy/whatever, and some make the choice of not doing so. I watch it, and since I know I'm not going to run around and try to make the show's magicy alchemy in real life, I know that I'm "safe" with watching it^^
mitsuki lover wrote:Ed doesn't believe in God probably because of the failure to bring their mother back.
johnyouth wrote:I think the point is that if we are going to question whether or not to watch FMA or any anime series because we fear that the philosophy or message of the media is damaging to our faith then should we watch any anime or much in the way of media in general. So little of what is produced follows basic Christian philosophy and doctrine. In fact, much is even quite contrary to what we profess to believe. Those who have said it is fantasy and and for entertainment are right. As long as you can separate what you know to be true from your study into faith from the religious philosophy highly influenced by the Bhuddist and Shinto influences powerful in Japanese media then you can watch freely.
These questions never have simple cut-and-dry answers. Much depends on an individual's own maturity level and security in their own faith.
Simply, yes we should be able to watch and enjoy these with no problems, but if you are insecure in your faith than you should beware of nearly all media.
MorwenLaicoriel wrote:(2) there IS a God, but he's majorly ticked off at you and all of the horrible things that are happening to you is his punishment.
The merciful God of Christianity isn't coming into play here.
" wrote:RustyClaymore 11:27 - Ah yes, Socks is the single raindrop responsible for the flood. XD
Kkun wrote:Personally, FMA doesn't bother me because it's fantasy. The "God" of FMA is a fictional character mentioned a few times throughout, and I don't find that offensive because it's all fiction contained within a fictional world. When Ed went off on his rant in episode 1 or 2 (can't remember which) about alchemists being the closest thing there are to gods, it really didn't bother me, because what we're watching are characters in a fictiional world with a different set of rules than ours. If every TV show and movie existed in a Christian environment, that'd be lovely, but the truth is that they don't. This takes place in a world where Christ does not even seem to exist, and is not mentioned. Religion is simply a plot device in this show.
I guess that's a hard reality for some people to face, but it's fiction. If that bothers you, then definitely stay away from it. I can only echo the sentiments of others and say that if you feel convicted for watching something like that, then don't pay spend your time with it.
Epidemic Xero wrote:[color=White]Wasn't Christ actually referenced to in one of the last episodes? o.o I remember feeling very startled to hear that in an anime--but then again, it's very possible that I misheard. I mishear things in the weirdest way sometimes. ^ ^]
Animus Seed wrote:I highly doubt it, though I haven't seen the end yet.
[SPOILER="general end of series and movie, etc."]It's pretty much common knowledge already that FMA takes place in a world parralel to our own. While it's kind of silly to force a Christian context onto it, I do anyway: there's no evidence to assume that the alchemical world ever had a Jesus Christ. Thus, God's plan for the alchemical world and atoning for their sins there is slightly different--see how Aslan's death for Narnia differed from Jesus' death for us]
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