Chimpanzees are thought to be our closest living relatioves on the grounds we have 98% the same DNA only by people who dont know we share 99% DNA with mice. Take that evolution.
ducheval wrote:Furlongs per Pint is an exactly equivalent measure of gas mileage to Miles per Gallon.
I call urban legend. Reputable link?
ducheval wrote:I definitely believe that chimps are genetically close to us. I was doubting the mice part of his 'fact'.
It sounds like YEC disinformation to me.
Doubleshadow wrote:Don't peel your apple. Two-thirds of the fiber and lots of antioxidants are found in the peel.
Ratrace wrote:As are 90% of the toxins used to keep insects of it.
Ratrace wrote:There are laws as to how many bug parts can be in chocolate. A dont remember the details, but its no a bodypart to weight basis. The pieces are so small you cant see them.
It was by accident mostly because that kind of camera was banned in the 80s
Smaller and cheaper to feed isnt the only reason people experament on mice. will this do?I call urban legend. Reputable link?
It might not have been the same tech, but the effect it causes is the same. any camera with that capabiliaty was banned. Ill see what I can find on this as well.What I'm not getting about your statement here is that I didn't think consumer (key word here) IR camcorders EXISTED in the 80's... I'm almost certain they were released in the 90's. What was banned, in the 90's after this discovery, was cameras that could activate their IR when it was still light out, because that's what allowed for the "x-ray" quality
That reminds me, only one nukelear missile has ever been launched by a sub. By mistake, in the arctic or antartic, by accident, at an ally. If you want I'll find a site on this too.Nuclear Terms
Ratrace wrote:Smaller and cheaper to feed isnt the only reason people experament on mice. will this do?
I can get other sites. As with much scientific info what results are given varies. direct similarity is at least 85%, up to 99%.Not exactly. What's being measured is the presence of genes. However, how those genes are coded, what order they're in, and how they are expressed is a different matter. In other words, while we share certain genes with mice, the actual DNA base pairs that make up those genes may be quite different. If we instead measure the similarity of those base pairs, we find that humans and chimps are considerably closer to each other than either of them are to mice. In addition, the research cited above only concerns genes, not introns, which play a role in how individual genes are regulated.
How do they sleep??? O.o]Radical Dreamer wrote:A shark has to swim for 24 hours a day. If it stops swimming, its lungs will fill up with water. :O
mitsuki lover wrote:Hitler was never named Schikelgruber,rather Hitler was in fact his birth name.
However Schikelgruber was the birth name of Hitler's father Alois Hitler.Alois changed it to Hitler after his supposed father.
Afrikaans is the youngest language in the world.
dyzzispell wrote:Interesting Naruto connection:
Naruto just loves ramen, right? Well I found out that a common type of topping for ramen noodles is a kind of kamaboko known as naruto. Basically kamaboko is pureed white fish molded into a log, then steamed until it is firm. (Sounds a little like a fish version of SPAM, to me.) It is then sliced up and served with dipping sauces or in soups.
Anyway, sometimes the kamaboko is shaped to resemble something, the most common being a spiral. They call the spiral one a "naruto", named after the Japanese city of Naruto, which is well-known for a tidal whirlpool by the city.
Thus, Naruto's last name, Uzumaki (which means spiral), and the spiral symbol on his outfit. His whole name and love for ramen is a play on Japanese culture, if I'm seeing that right!
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