Mr. SmartyPants wrote:I consider them uncanonical garbage.
AsianBlossom wrote:Okay, I decided to look up fair use laws this morning and discovered that writing fanfiction is a copyright infringement. Is all fanfic writing illegal then, even if you don't get paid for it? And if it is, then why are people still doing it? (I need to know as I enjoy fanfics and don't want to be doing anything illegal.) Any guidance or help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
AsianBlossom wrote:Yeah, I'm always sure to put a disclaimer clearly at the front. Here's one of them:
Disclaimer: I don't own the Teen Titans or anything else copyrighted in this story. All copyrighted materials in this fan fiction are property of their respective owners.
Also there are several fanfiction websites on the internet.If fanfiction were,as you seem to insist illegal shouldn't those sites be forced to be discontinued?
CrimsonRyu17 wrote:I agree with Momo-P. Why would anyone really care?
Fish and Chips wrote:This is America. There will be someone.
Mr. SmartyPants wrote:And if you can't find anyone else that cares, the one that cares has to be you.
ChristianKitsune wrote:I remember for my Non-Profit College paper, I had to draw an editorial cartoon over the spinach scare, and I wanted to use Pop-eye. but it was going to be on a TV with little kids watching it. I ended up emailing King Features Syndicate, and at first they wanted me to pay 75 dollars to use the PopEye image... but my professor called them and was like, "Look we just want to use him for a small college newspaper, that's not gonna gain anything from it, we aren't gonna put it on T-shirts."
It turns out that we didn't have to pay but we did have to get a written permission form emailed to order for me to draw a tiny 1 inch drawing of popeye's head...
so...I guess it is important to follow the law, I could have gotten in big trouble, if I hadn't checked.
Momo-P wrote:Ya, but, read what you just said.
I ended up emailing King Features Syndicate
I bet you 100$, had you not sent them an e-mail, nothing would've happened. While there are exceptions to this, I think most people would agree, the chances of them seeing that (and then reporting it) are very, very, low. The only reason you had so much trouble was because you went to them at all.
Another difference is that was on TV. Although the internet reaches just as many people as television, I don't know how to describe it, but there is a difference. Where as on the internet you can make it known it's for fun fan purposes, on TV you really can't do that. On TV you just have the image there and people can assume whatever they want since no disclaimer is being stated..
mitsuki lover wrote:It is only illegal if you try to make a profit off of it.Since the majority of fanfiction is simply written by fans to share between themselves and not to be sold(or at least
not for profit)it cannot be considered to be illegal.
I think most people would agree, the chances of them seeing that (and then reporting it) are very, very, low.
Dojinshis are one thing because I am pretty sure people ask permission over in Japan...
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