Rekindle the Bible Reading Group?

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Rekindle the Bible Reading Group?

Postby Kunoichi » Sat Jul 05, 2008 9:20 am

Hey guys,

new thread for this though not to overstep animewarrior and amzi Live. It seems the first BRG group kinda...died. I know its summer and people have school and I know everyone has work. I was wondering if we could rekindle this starting with John Chapter 4. What my proposal is to just have people post what their thoughts were on a seperate thread labeled "John" so as to make it accessible for everyone without having to coordinate time and dates and what not.

Would that be ok with everyone? I am up to doing a chapter a day and I do not work alot so I can help to run if if animewarrior and amzi live are not available. It is only a suggestion. I have no church home or really any church and am desperately looking for a bible study. Please let me know what you guys think!

This is no way meant to offend anyone >< ^_^

God bless

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Postby Sheenar » Sat Jul 05, 2008 12:29 pm

Sounds good. I'd still like to participate.
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Sun Jul 06, 2008 5:53 am

Me too.. I've actually read way past John Chapter 4..thinking that we would get together some time... but it's not happened yet...
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Postby Kunoichi » Sun Jul 06, 2008 7:38 am

ok so three so far *smile


Alright well I guess I'll just wait a few more days (until Weds) to see who else post. If everyone's in agreement then we can just start on John 4 or even a different book if that's easier
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Postby ClosetOtaku » Sun Jul 06, 2008 10:50 am

I would like to sign up...
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Postby Kunoichi » Sun Jul 06, 2008 11:55 am

*smile hai hai!

Alright so I guess I will open up the thread on Wednesday for John 1-4 So if you haven't read up to that point then you can read it then ^^

I'll just monitor the thing and if you guys wish to get on aim or whatever together that is your own prerogative but i'm going to have a thread labeled BRG: John so we can post all thoughts and ideas for that particular book. When we move to a new book I'll start a different thread. I just hope the mods don't mind this ^_^;
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Postby Kamille » Sun Jul 06, 2008 1:22 pm

Count me in too, except I probably won't be able to be on aim - still it's possible.
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Postby Kunoichi » Sun Jul 06, 2008 7:19 pm

*smile yay

well that is why i'm going to do a thread as it will most likely be easier ^_^
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Postby Sparx00 » Sun Jul 06, 2008 8:05 pm

Joining now! I don't know how this works so take it a little slow if you can? ^_^;;
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Postby MBlight » Mon Jul 07, 2008 5:54 am

Yay for Kunoichi! Thanks for saving us!

I'm definately still in! Will be posting on Wednesday!
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Postby Kunoichi » Mon Jul 07, 2008 6:32 am

*blush ^_^ yay more!

Going to put the thread on Wednesday for Chapters John 1 - 4 but then we will continue a chapter a day. Just post when you want on that *smile even if you can't go on everyday
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Postby animewarrior » Mon Jul 07, 2008 6:35 am

and this is what happens when a 16 year old with a VERY busy life tries to CO-GM a thread... *wince* I'm open to Kunoichi's idea however, I'm still sad to see the orginal BRG thread to dissapear into the depths of cyber-space T_T ... with gaining a job (full-time) for the summer as well as the mass amounts of camping my family does, I was unable to CO-GM for the past 2 or so weeks.... and then Amzi has his studies.....>,< so well I'll post when I can.
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Postby Kunoichi » Mon Jul 07, 2008 6:40 am

*hugs animewarrior

Your age has nothing to do with it sis *smile its just life...I just happen to be more available now altho I haven't been for over five years so I would love the opportunity to be able to just watch this grow *smile so thankyou for the opportunity
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Postby Amzi Live » Mon Jul 07, 2008 6:12 pm

Kunoichi (post: 1242098) wrote:Hey guys,

new thread for this though not to overstep animewarrior and amzi Live. It seems the first BRG group kinda...died. I know its summer and people have school and I know everyone has work. I was wondering if we could rekindle this starting with John Chapter 4. What my proposal is to just have people post what their thoughts were on a seperate thread labeled "John" so as to make it accessible for everyone without having to coordinate time and dates and what not.

Would that be ok with everyone? I am up to doing a chapter a day and I do not work alot so I can help to run if if animewarrior and amzi live are not available. It is only a suggestion. I have no church home or really any church and am desperately looking for a bible study. Please let me know what you guys think!

This is no way meant to offend anyone >< ^_^

God bless


No offense taken.I'm actually very glad to see that the BRG is still on.
Since I'm officially done with my studies for now so I'd love to keep at it.
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