I stumbled across this neat little website. Thought you guys might like it
There just isn't enough class out there.
Nate (post: 1440512) wrote:"Have your own style as long as it's exactly what we like" is not a good rule.
"Opening the door for a lady is not optional, and will never go out of style."
Should be changed to "Opening the door for anybody" A guy who would open the door for a lady but let it slam shut in the face of another dude is no gentleman.
Nate (post: 1440512) wrote:I was reading these and I thought "Okay these are pretty sound" until I got to this one.
"Your style is defined by what makes you feel most comfortable."
Which yep, I agree with that. Makes sense. But then it says,
"Please Note: Leave the fanny pack at home."
So which is it, Rules? Should we do what's comfortable or do what you say? "Have your own style as long as it's exactly what we like" is not a good rule.
"Opening the door for a lady is not optional, and will never go out of style."
Should be changed to "Opening the door for anybody" A guy who would open the door for a lady but let it slam shut in the face of another dude is no gentleman.
rule No. 15 wrote: Never trust anyone with two first names.
Do middle names count?Rule number 15) wrote:Never trust anyone with two first names
Nate (post: 1440512) wrote:Second:
"Opening the door for a lady is not optional, and will never go out of style."
Should be changed to "Opening the door for anybody" A guy who would open the door for a lady but let it slam shut in the face of another dude is no gentleman.
goldenspines (post: 1440677) wrote:If I followed some of the rules, does that make me a gentlemen?
I am NOT against men holding doors open for men. I'm just saying, a gentleman is expected to give special respect to women, and opening doors for women is a way of showing respect. If a man wants to show special respect for another man, fine, but that's not normally expected.
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