Review: Gundam Wing Ground Zero

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Review: Gundam Wing Ground Zero

Postby Ashley » Fri Jun 06, 2003 9:01 pm

Gundam Wing: Ground Zero
Published by Viz Communications
Issued in both graphic novel form and monthly manga
Price: monthly $2.95 US/$4.50 Canada
graphic novel $15.95 US

* This review was written for the monthly manga, so there are 4 parts. For those wanting total complete shock, don't read the reviews; I put in a few summaries and such, but no spoilers.

Part 1 [url=
Part 2 [/url]
Part 3
Part 4 (yes they are my reviews, I just didn't want to haul them over to a new server)

Overall rating: a definate must have for the gundam fan...if you're not that hot on gundam wing, it's okay, but you probably won't like it as much, and you'll probably have to go online to find out some of the things was definately written with fans in mind. And if you're just breaking into manga, I highly suggest it...short, sweet, and very entertaining. And for anyone hesitant about yaoi rumors, rest at ease. This is completely free of anything even hinted at. 4 out of 5
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Postby Psycho Ann » Fri Jun 06, 2003 9:51 pm

Ah, it sure brings back memories :D "In Rose" was always a favorite of mine <-- avid pro-Relena and pro HxR

But then again, Blind Target is the SOURCE of all pro HxR.... those who know the famous scene must know what I'm talking about :grin:

Great reviews Ashley! :thumb:
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Postby ShiroiHikari » Sat Jun 07, 2003 11:47 am

Ground....Zero...OH YEAH! I have those :DDDDD Well, all but one of them...

And yess...I liked "In Rose" too! Go Heero and Relena...!
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gundam wing dvds

Postby *Hope* » Sat Jun 14, 2003 3:55 pm

Hey, i have the gundam wing dvds!! Too bad we don't live anywhere near eachopther, that and the fact that i haven't finished them all yet.:lol: You can get em" at best buy for $140. It's a lot but i think it's probably worth it. :grin:
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